Monthly Archives: November 2013

First steps towards temporal climate spaces using BEC variant centroid surrogates


In this post, PCA climate spaces are built from interannual climatic variability at centroid surrogates instead of spatial variability of climate normals. I found that patterns of spatial variability dominate the climate space because the spatial variation at the regional or provincial scale is much greater than the scale of interannual climatic variability at individual centroid surrogates. The conservation of spatial variation has the advantage that both spatial and temporal variability are represented in the reduced climate space. However, it has the disadvantage that temporal variability is inefficiently compiled into the principal components. I’m not sure of which method will help to address this issue. Another problem specific to PCA is that large variability in winter temperature causes related variables high weight in the PCs, even though there is little spatial variation in winter temperatures. This problem can be solved using LDA. Finally this post introduces the use of standard deviation of z-scores as a multivariate measure of interannual climatic variability.

Next steps are to experiment with discriminant analysis for this same purpose, and expand the analysis to assessment of climatic differentiation between BEC variants.


To this point, I have been building multivariate climate spaces using spatial variation in climate normals. In this post, I take my first steps into climate spaces built from interannual climatic variability. The multivariate data set for this analysis is the annual climate elements at each BEC variant centroid surrogate for individual years in the 1961-1990 period. For conceptual simplicity, I use PCA for this stage of exploratory analysis.


Figure 1: comparison of PCA rendering of spatial variability of climate normals at 1600-m grid points vs. interannual variability at BEC variant centroid surrogates. Data are for the characteristic BEC zones of coastal BC (CWH, CDF, MH).

The pattern of spatial climatic variation across the BC coast in is remarkably well preserved in the climate space of interannual variability at centroid surrogates (Figure 1). This indicates that interannual variability on the coast is of a lesser scale than the main spatial gradients in climate described by BEC variants.  The pattern of spatial variability is marginally less conserved in south and central interior BC (Figure 2). Notably, TD (the total difference between mean coldest and warmest month temperatures) is a very minor element in the spatial climate space, but is the primary correlate of PC2 in the temporal climate space. This is consistent with my previous result that there is very large interannual variability of winter temperatures in the BC interior, but little spatial variability in normals of winter temperature. The prominence of winter variability in the temporal climate space is likely undesirable for most purposes because it overrides other dimensions of variability that are much more important for differentiating BEC variants. This effect is also evident at the provincial scale (Figure 3), though it is more subtle due to the importance of TD in differentiating the coast from the interior of BC. Discriminant analysis may help to address this problem, especially at the regional scale, because it prioritizes climate elements that differentiate BEC variant centroid surrogates.

Figure 2: comparison of PCA rendering of spatial variability of climate normals at 1600-m grid points vs. interannual variability at BEC variant centroid surrogates. Data are for the characteristic BEC zones of South-central BC.

Figure 3: comparison of PCA rendering of spatial variability of climate normals at 1600-m grid points vs. interannual variability at centroid surrogates. Data are for the entire area of BC excluding alpine and subalpine parkland climates.

The graphs above demonstrate that, for the most part, the first two principal components are driven by spatial variation in average climatic conditions, even in the temporal data set. This is an inevitable result of the spatial variance at the regional and provincial levels being considerably greater than the temporal variance at individual points on the landscape.   The next question is: if spatial variation is overriding temporal variation in the PCA, how well do principal components of the temporal data set represent the important dimensions of interannual variability at each centroid surrogate?

Figure 4 demonstrates that there is a decreasing trend in the interannual variability of principal components. However, the decrease is much more gradual for the overall variance of the data set. On average it takes 7 of the 14 PCs to explain 95% of the variance in the climate years at individual centroid surrogates. Notably, the first three principal components are all equally important to describing interannual variability (25%, 22%, and 22% respectively, on average). These results indicate that PCA does not create an efficient reduced climate space for representing local interannual climatic variability.

Figure 4: modified scree plot showing the total variability (in standard deviations) of each principal component, and the scale of interannual variability around each of the BEC variant centroid surrogates.

Figure 5: histogram of overall interannual climatic variability of BEC variant subzone surrogates.

Despite the potential inefficiencies of PCA as a dimension reduction tool, the graph above illustrates how standard deviation of z-scores can be used as a measure of interannual variability at each BEC variant centroid surrogate. There is reasonable variation between BEC variants in terms of this measure of interannual climatic variability (Figure 5). This variation facilitates mapping of overall climatic variability. Since the values of the map are total standard deviation across all PCs, they are a quantity of the raw data and are independent of any rotation.

Figure 6: map of interannual climatic variability measured as the sum of standard deviations of z-scores in all principal components for each BEC variant centroid surrogate.



Centroid surrogates revisited: finding representative locations for BEC variants

centroid surrogates for coastal BEC variants

Studying temporal climatic variability at representative locations for BEC variants is a key part of my research methodology. The premise of this approach is that BEC variants aren’t entities in themselves, but instead are ecologically relevant subdivisions of continuous climatic gradients across the landscape.  The implications of this premise is that BEC variants are better characterized in terms of core conditions than in terms of boundary locations, and also that temporal climatic variation at a representative location is more ecologically relevant than spatial climatic variation across the geographic extent of the BEC variant.

Representative locations need to meet the following criteria to be effective:

  1. They need to be near the centroid of the spatial climatic variation of the BEC variant;
  2. They should be able to represent the temporal climatic variability of the BEC variant. If the BEC variant spans different climatic regions, more than one centroid surrogate may be required;
  3. They shouldn’t be located at the geographic extremes of their BEC variants; and
  4. The relative geographic positions of representative locations should make sense in terms of regional climatic gradients.

A simple way to identify representative locations is to identify the multivariate centroid of the spatial variation in climatic normals for each BEC variant, and then find a geographic location that is at or near to this centroid. I call this location the “centroid surrogate” of the BEC variant. In the previous post, I found preliminary centroid surrogates for the BEC variants of the BC coast. However, I noted several problems:

  1. Some BEC variants (e.g. the MHmm2) span the entire coast. This is problematic because the north coast and south coast have different patterns of temporal climatic variability. BEC variants with very large geographic extents need to be subdivided for climate change analysis.
  2. Several centroid surrogates were located at geographical (e.g. CWHds1, ms1, vh1) and elevational (CWHdm) extremes of their BEC variants.
  3. Standardized euclidian distance was used instead of mahalanobis distance. Mahalonobis distance is likely preferable due to the correlations between climate variables.

In this post, I modify the methodology to address each of these problems and find centroid surrogates that adequately meet the criteria for representative locations.

Subdividing very large BEC variants

Large BEC variants requiring subdivision

Figure 1: BEC variants with large geographic distributions requiring subdivision for the purposes of climate change analysis.

Figure 2: interior BEC variants with moderate geographic distributions that were not subdivided.

I conducted a map review of all BEC variants in British Columbia (excluding alpine and parkland variants). the only variants that clearly span more than one climatic region are the previously identified coastal variants: the CWHvm1/2 and MHmm1/2 (Figure 1). Three variants in the interior have moderately large geographic distributions (SBSmc2, ESSFmc, ESSFmw), but were not subdivided because the majority of each of these variants is located in one climatic region (Figure 2). The four coastal variants were subdivided as follows:

  1. CWHvm: area within the Coastal Gap Ecoregion denoted as northern subunits (CWHvm1n, vm2n). Rest of area denoted as southern subunits (CWHvm1s, vm2s).
  2. MHmm: northern (suffix “n”) and southern (“s”) subunits divided by 52o Latitude.


Mahalanobis distance: Euclidian distance on a subset of principal components

Climatic distance was measured using Euclidian distance on the first 9 of 15 principal components of the annual 1961-1990 climatic normals for a 1600m grid of the entire area of BC. These PCs represent 99.9% of the variance in the data. This high threshold was chosen because the PCA was done over the entire area of BC, and meaningful climatic variation of individual BEC variants may occur in lower-eigenvalue PCs.

Geoclimatic centroid surrogates

As noted in the previous post, centroid surrogates based purely on climatic variation can occur at geographic extremes of some BEC variants, which is undesirable. Conversely, locations near the geographic centre of BEC variants may not be sufficiently near the climatic centroid to be representative of the BEC variant. These issues are illustrated in Figure 3. To solve this problem, I limited the candidate grid points to those within one standard deviation of the latitude, longitude, and elevation means of each BEC variant.  I called this a “geoclimatic” approach to finding centroid surrogates.

Figure 3: comparison of climatic, geographic, and geoclimatic centroid surrogates, in the first two principal components of 1961-1990 annual climate normal variation across British Columbia.

Centroid surrogates were generated for all BEC variants in British Columbia.  For simplicity, results are shown here only for the coastal region. The geoclimatic centroid surrogates for the coast adequately meet the criteria for representative locations. specifically, the following attributes are notable:

  • The relative locations of centroid surrogates intuitively make sense and all appear to be within the geographic and climatic cores of the BEC variants. The only possible exception is the centroid surrogate for the CWHvh1; the outer coast of the brooks peninsula may be unrepresentative.
  • Centroid surrogates are well distributed in climate space (especially in 3D), but are somewhat clustered in map space. With the exception of the CWHms2 and ds2, there are no centroid surrogates on the central coast. This creates a geographic separation between south coast and north coast regions. There are also smaller-scale clusters of BEC variants, most notably: the CWHvm1s/vm2s/MHmm1s; the CWHvm1n/vm2n/MHmm1n; and the CWHxm2/mm1/mm2.  These clusters may be advantageous for some purposes, but they may also create artifacts in analyses based on interpolated climatic time series. The geographical clustering of centroid surrogates must be kept in mind for interpretation of other analyses.

Overall, the geoclimatic centroid surrogates appear to be an acceptable result, and will be used as the basis for the next stages of my research.

Finding climatic centroid surrogates for BEC variants

My analysis up to this point has used spatial variation in climate normals at 1600-m grid points. Time series analysis on the full 1600-m grid is impractical because each point would have a set of climate observations for each year over the period of the time series. This creates a lot of data, and a lot of redundant variation. An alternate approach is to use the BEC variants to define the ecologically appropriate scale of climate differentiation, and then use the climatic centroid of each BEC variant for time series analysis. The easiest way to do this is to find the 1600-m grid point whose climatic attributes are closest to the actual climatic centroid of the variant. I call this spatial location the climatic “centroid surrogate” for the BEC variant.

Mahalanobis distance vs Standardized Euclidian Distance

To find the “closest” grid point to the climatic centroid, one first has to select a distance measure. Simple Euclidian distance is not appropriate since climate elements have different units (e.g. oC vs. mm) and variables with large variance will dominate the distance measurement. The most straightforward approach is to standardize all the variables by subtracting the mean from each observation and dividing by the standard deviation. This converts all variables to units of standard deviation and a mean of zero, and facilitates a balanced measure of Euclidean distance. Another approach is to use Mahalanobis distance which also accounts for the correlation between variables. however, in practice I found mahalanobis distance to be difficult to implement in climate space due to the high collinearity between variables. For the purpose of finding a climatic centroid surrogate, standardized Euclidian distance and mahalanobis distance are likely to be equivalent. For this reason, I used standardized Euclidian distance.

Visual validation in climate space and map space

centroid surrogates for PCA climate space

Figure 1: PCA climate space for the BC coast. BEC variants are labeled at their 2D pseudocentroids in black and full-dimensional (12D) centroid surrogates in blue. The close proximity of the labels provides visual validation that the centroid surrogate is at the climatic centroid.

locations of the climatic centroid surrogate for each coastal BEC variant

Figure 2: locations of the climatic centroid surrogate for each coastal BEC variant.

The centroid surrogates are located very close to the BEC variant pseudocentroids of a two-dimensional PCA climate space representing 91% of the variance in the data (Figure 1). This strongly suggests that the calculation was correct and the centroid surrogate is the grid point with minimum distance to the climatic centroid. A map of the centroid surrogates (Figure 2) indicates that they are generally located in representative locations. However, there are several idiosyncrasies:

  1. The centroid surrogate for the MHmm2 is located near Terrace in the northern portion of the variant’s geographic range, which extends all the way down to the U.S. border. This is problematic, since historical climate variability is likely to be different in the northern and southern areas of the MHmm2. Climate change forecasts are certainly very different for these two regions. This result suggests that more than one centroid surrogate may be required for variants with large geographic ranges (e.g. CWHvm1, vm2, MHmm1).
  2. The centroid surrogate for the CWHwh1 is located in the mapped range of the CWHvh2. This is simply the result of using the BEC7 variant map for classification of the 1600-m grid points and the BEC8 map for mapping. This error will be corrected.

    close-up of the centroid surrogate for the CWHdm

    Figure 3: close-up of the centroid surrogate for the CWHdm. It is located on the upper elevation limit of the CWHdm on East Redonda Island. While this location may represent the average climate of the CWHdm, it is not located in a core area of the variant. This result suggests the centroid surrogate selection method needs refinement.

  3. The centroid surrogate for the CWHdm is located at the upper elevation limit of this variant’s occurrence on East Redonda Island (Figure 3). Intuitively, centroid surrogates should be located at approximately the geographic core of the BEC variant, rather than in transition zones. I attempted to prevent this problem by restricting centroid surrogate selection to grid points that are within one-half of a standard deviation of the mean elevation of each BEC variant. However, the same grid point was selected for the CWHdm, and resulted in poorer centroid surrogates for for submontane variants. As a result, the original solution shown in Figure 2 will be used for now. the potential for this issue should be kept in mind for other regions of the province as well.


The selection of centroid surrogates highlighted the important point that climatic zones that are considered now to represent relatively uniform climatic conditions may not have divergent historical and future variability. While centroid surrogates are useful for examining climatic differentiation in current conditions, they are not sufficient by themselves for characterizing climate change in BEC variants. Geographically extensive BEC variants likely need to have several centroid surrogates representing different regions of their distribution.