Flex Lessons

Please let me know if you have not yet had a chance to review your grades.

Pernille’s Status Report is here. I encourage you to take a look at it and notice the level of detail, the clarity and how easy it is to get quite a lot of information very quickly:  Pernille_Fjeld-Hansen-Project_Status_Report


summer It’s not quite summer, but we’re all one step closer.


Best Practices for Presentation Slides short

Best Practices for Presentation Slides Examples





March 28, 2016

Hi Everyone,

Happy Easter. My thoughts today are with the people of Pakistan and I hope you all take heart in knowing that despite events of the last four weeks, war and terrorist related deaths are at their lowest point since World War II.



Please note that these charts are from credible sources, and are often republished and retweeted by other credible sources.

We have one more face to face class, next Monday. In this class you’ll be giving a 5-8 minute presentation as outlined in the Business Case assignment sheet. This presentation will be quite informal, assume you are making a project update to a team of colleagues. You should have slides or a Prezi for this presentation, please review Best Practices Presentation Slides before you submit them to me on turnitin, Sunday before midnight. I’ll send a reminder next weekend.

On Friday, April 1 at 1:00pm, this week, during class time, I’ll email you a Status Report Assignment for you to complete before the end of class, the exact time limit has yet to be determined. You’ll submit it on turnitin. In preparation for this please review the slides on Status Reports. There’s a version with voiceover on my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZHdwhwYpyM

Another significant thing you need to do before the end of term is to be sure you understand how to write the Executive Summary and Methodology parts of your Business Case. There are slides on both these topics on the blog.

I am available in office hours this week, however I have a Faculty Caucus on Tuesday so am available only Thursday 12:30-1:30 and Friday 11:30-12:30 or by appointment, Tuesday or Thursday at 3:30 are good times. Of course I’m also available by email or phone to answer your questions and help you complete this assignment to the best of your ability. I believe you are all working with good companies and good issues.

  • Are you able to find the information you need?
  • Are you clear on how to approach each section?
  • Have you given enough weight to the options evaluation?

If you come see me in my office I can show you a completed assignment, similar to the ones I already showed in class when the assignment was first introduced.

Finally, and this one is really important to my boss!, and therefore to me, please be sure you complete the Course Evaluations: https://eval.ctlt.ubc.ca/sauder





Flex Lesson for March 18, 2016Proposal

Go through the slides on Persuasive Messages and read the Building Sponsorship Opportunities Manual

Complete deliverables 1 & 2 in the Corporate Sponsorship Proposal Assignment Indigneous Film Festival:

  1. Describe the target markets in some detail including research you can find about them that would be interesting to a sponsor. The primary target markets are indigenous people from across North America and VIFF attendees.
  2. Identify the characteristics of suitable title sponsors and make a short list of potential sponsors. Page 6 of the manual offers some suggestions for where to look.
  3. Deliverable 3 is NOT due.

We’ll take this up in class on Monday; it will give us a chance to discuss audience, writing letters and prepare more for the midterm.


For more on presenting information graphically check out the video link below on Facebook, it’s very good from a visual perspective, although deeply problematic in terms of content. Also check out this set of slides: Best Practices in Graphical Data Presentation – Ray Lyons. They are also in the Resources section of the blog.




Flex Lesson for March 11, 2016

MEMOS:  Review the slides on Memos so that you are prepared to submit your Memo and Workplan by Thursday, March 17.

Memos with voiceover, or

Memos slides

Also consider the slides on Methodologies



Review the slides on Formatting, particularly the last part that addresses showing information graphically. For class on Monday bring diagrams in hard copy for the following (we’ll show each one on the document camera):

Show in a process diagram:

The production of VanCider is critical in establishing a quality product. Locally grown fruit is sent via truck to VanCider production facility. The fruit is graded, washed, and sorted at the facility. Then, the fruit is grounded down into pulp by a cider mill. The pulp is then transferred into a cider press where the juice from the pulp is squeezed out. The juice is then stored in sterilized vats and fermented by cultured yeast. After fermentation, the cider is transferred into a maturation tank. After maturation, the cider is filtered, pasteurized and then sent to packaging within the manufacturing facility. With this production system, VanCider ensures quality in its dry alcoholic cider.

Show in a table:

Currently in Canada, the cider market makes up 1% of the alcoholic beverage volume and is continuously growing[1]. From 2011 to 2012, unit volume sales of cider beverages increased by 32%[2]. Furthermore, as of July 2013, dollar volume sales increased by almost 60%[3]. As of September 2013, dollar volume sales reached $182 million[4]. The growth of the cider industry has increased over the past several years, providing VanCider and its potential investors a large profit opportunity.

[1] (The Globe and Mail, 2013)

[2] (The Globe and Mail, 2013)

[3] (The Globe and Mail, 2013)

[4] (Euromonitor International, 2013)



A Business Case is a document that details a specific business problem, considers a broad range of options to address that problem, and then builds the case in favour of one of those options. It provides an argument that justifies the expense, the risk and the resources necessary, as well as any potential benefits for, or risk to, the reputation or brand. It usually has an emphasis on budget, but also considers other factors.

Business Case Assignment_FINAL Winter 2016

Slides:briefcase Business Case 2016


Sample Work Plan Phase One

Sample Work Plan v.3a

DELIVERABLES – There are Three Deliverables for this Assignment

Deliverable One – Memo & Work Plan

In the Work Plan identify all key deliverables with team lead and deadline for each.

Write a 1.52 pages Memo to your instructor,

Due: Thursday, March 17, by email (*CC all group members)

Evaluated as a Class Activity.

Deliverable Two – Business Case Report

Write a complete Business Case Report identifying a company, an issue needing resolution, a robust options evaluation, and one best solution for the issue with thorough justification. The report should be a maximum of 14 pages or 4500 words including an executive summary.

Due: Sunday, April 10, 11:59pm via turnitin

85% of your grade for this assignment

Deliverable Three – Presentation

As part of this assignment, your group will make a 5-8 minute informal presentation to test your ideas.

Due: Slides due the night before your present: Date TBC via turnitin. All members of the group must be present in class for the presentation.

15% of your grade for this assignment, includes the feedback you offer.



SLIDES:  Risk – Written Risk Assessments

Example 1 Risk Management Template – Large Organisation

Sample 2 Risk Management Report 20×4 – Long form

Example 3 Risk Assessment Sample Report AN3-business-case-risks dice

Risk Table Template

Managing Risk column by EAB



Flex Lesson for February 26, 2016

There are two deliverables for this lesson: an LOI and a brief cover email.

A Letter of Intent (LOI) is an agreement used by two parties seeking to enter into a proposed business arrangement with each other. It includes the purpose of the business entity, a proposed business structure (e.g. shared ownership, profit sharing, etc.), and may include other additional terms. (Bloomberg)

LOI’s can be similar to contracts, but they are usually short and not binding. If the LOI too closely resembles a formal contract and does not contain clear disclaimers otherwise, it can be interpreted by the courts as binding. (Wikipedia)

In the case of Windy Power and the nation you are proposing to work with, leave room in the LOI for a change in process, avoid pushing the nation into a position or a level of commitment they are not ready for. Many B2B LOIs are intended to lay a formal framework for how you will work together. In the case represented in this assignment, the purpose is more to demonstrate a genuine desire to work with the nation in an iterative and collaborative process.

DELIVERABLE ONE: Write a Letter of Intent to the Economic Development office of the nation you researched letting them know Windy is preparing a proposal that they will be submitting for consideration. Use a formal letter format, outlined below. This is a further opportunity for you to build a positive relationship with the nation and its leadership.


  • letterPurpose for the letter
  • The project in question
  • All parties involved (e.g. Windy & the nation)
  • What you want to achieve
  • A process for how you might continue to work together
  • Confidentiality or non-disclosure terms if needed

Consider tone and the level of formality you feel is appropriate for your nation. If you nation has a strong history of working with external businesses they may be comfortable with more formal language. In all instances avoid legalese.

Formal Letter Format

DELIVERABLE TWO: Write a cover email to Samantha Bara to which you would attach your Wind Energy report. You will identify the report, describing it briefly and highlighting anything particularly significant or interesting. Include any anecdotes you want her to be aware of such as a lack of information or something you think she needs to consider more carefully, or something you would like to discuss with her. This email will be short, but not so short that it misses the opportunity to confirm and build your relationship with her; avoid being too formal as you likely see her everyday.

Due:  Sunday, February 28, 11:59pm via turnitin in one document (Word of pdf). This is graded only for done and contributes to your Participation Grade.

Please read the instructions thoroughly. I’m available to answer questions by email or phone call during Reading Break but will be offline Sunday through Wednesday. Your complete draft is due Sunday night before class returns. You’ll have two days to complete the Peer Evaluations. In class on Monday I’ll teach how to do the editing so that it is most useful to the writer. The idea is that this process will help you improve your final report by a number percentage points. My annotations to the deliverable are available below. This is what was discussed in the other classes this week.

DELIVERABLE: Write a briefing paper to Windy’s Director of Development, Samantha Bara, discussing the one nation you researched. In this paper you will not include the Community Assessment Report, however, you will do the following:

This assignment is about how to build a strong relationship so that you can get a “yes” to your project. Don’t being with a proposal, begin with how you can learn about the nation and build a project together through a collaborative and iterative process. It is critical that you do the required readings for this assignment, most of them are very short. This will give you the depth of understanding to answer these complicated and nuanced questions. It is always very obvious in the final assignments who did the readings and who didn’t.

  • Identify any important historical or current issues the team should know before attempting to build a relationship with the nation. This might include a significant historical event (e.g. a Supreme Court ruling, land claim or mega-project in which the nation is directly involved) or relevant current events. Also consider if they have a history of litigation or cooperation with government and business. This might include the William Decision, but will mostly be more specific to your nation. Among other things you could do a google search with the nations name and “litigation” or “court” in the search bar.
  • Articulate a process Windy should expect to follow in order to be successful in proposing a collaboration with the nation in question. What research should they do before they contact anyone? Whom should they contact? (title, name, etc.) What are the steps necessary to take before a project can even begin? (E.g. phone calls, meetings, LOI) Include possible approaches to gaining their cooperation and approval, as well as any information on a typical approval process for this nation, if available. Consider the process you engage in when you look for a job. You start with updating your resume and references, then do a scan of suitable companies, and then begin on a process of trying to forge a relationship. In this case don’t start with a proposal, start by asking a representative of the nation about the communities values and priorities. A process diagram from the Aboriginal Topics class is below.
  • Consider key issues with respect to cultural sensitivity awareness and building trust. What kind of language do we want to use or avoid? Explain. How do we communicate that we would like to engage in a process that is unique and sincere, collaborative and iterative? Think about how to build trust with a community that has a history of mistrust. I recommend engaging in a group discussion on the Discussion Board on Connect. There is no need to provide a vocabulary list, but you might suggest avoiding language that is paternalistic or colonial.
  • Identify the type of projects the nation tends to favour. Does Windy’s project complement existing projects? You might list them with a brief description but you will also likely characterize the type of project in general. Many nations will identify on their website they type of projects they are seeking.
  • Include a paragraph or section briefly outlining compensation the nation might be seeking, both monetary and otherwise. (Note: Do not suggest building a school or other infrastructure. If the community needs a school, they will build it themselves.) This could include revenue sharing, profit sharing, and royalties as well as employment and training opportunities. The nation may also want an ownership share so that they have some control over the development and management of the project. In this section you might also consider an exit strategy.
  • Provide a brief summary of Best Practices for businesses engaging with First Nations communities on land management projects (see Best Practices for Consultation and Accommodation prepared by MNP, not the document prepared by the Province which was done without consultation). Assume that title is not in question. This, as with the rest of your report, must be written in your own words. You may paraphrase but you must not plagiarise. This will complement the collaboration process you have identified (above).
  • Make a recommendation about the suitability of the nation you researched to pursue a partnership with Windy and provide an explanation for your decision. Among other things you will consider governance structure, economic priorities and economic need. (Note: The Community Assessment assignment helps in answering this question, but you are not including the report itself.) Would this nation be a good business partner? Are they open to doing business? Do they need the revenue and/or power? Do they need more jobs? Do they have stable leadership you can work with?
  • The report should be formatted as a proper business report (similar to the Community Assessment Report). Include an introduction and a conclusion to your Briefing Paper as well as title page and Table of Contents. Label all maps, photos and figures.
  • Include a bibliography using APA style formatting. Use APA style in text citations for all direct quotes, facts and ideas from other sources.
  • You may include appendixes but they will not be marked.


  • Relationship building activities are in circles
  • Call x: provide the name of someone you will call, probably the economic development officer or a counsellor.
  • What is your process?
  • Ask them how they like to begin a relationship?
  • At some point you will offer the a Letter of Intent (LOI)
  • Community engagement (CE) means that you will meet with the whole community to hear about their interests and concerns. You’ll do all this before you make a first proposal.
  • You will probably revise your proposal a number of times incorporating the nations ideas and interests.


  1. Preamble to the William Decision (pages 5-11)


  1. The Lax Kw’alaams First Nation overwhelmingly rejected a more than $1-billion offer in money and Crown land in exchange for supporting a natural gas terminal.


  1. Globe and Mail, May 2015: C. pushing ahead with LNG proposal despite objections from First Nations “


  1. Best Practices for Consultation and Accommodation, prepared for the New Relationship Trust by MNP:


  1. The Provincial Government’s position on negotiating land claims:


  1. The Tyee, Ian Gill, May 2015, “No Wealth, No Justice in $1 Billion LNG Offer to First Nation Band


  1. Monte Paulsen, “A Gentle Revolution” in the Walrus.


  1. Michel Pond writes about the legacy of residential schools and the resilience of First Nations people: document is available on the class blog
  2. Read the latest community newsletter. It will give you a sense of some of the things going on in the community.
  1. Read the Economic Development Corporation page on the Nations’ website.


Please read this assignment through before class on Monday.

The first major assignment is Business in the News: Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility
It is worth 25% of your total mark for the course. The topic is: BC FIRST NATIONS & ALTERNATIVE ENERGY PROJECTS and is available here:

Wind Energy Assignment Jan 2016


Draft for Peer Evaluation: Sunday February 21, 11:59pm via Turnitin (for marks)


Peer Evaluations Returned: Tuesday, February 23, 11:59pm via Turnitin


FINAL DRAFT: Sunday, February 28, 11:59pm via Turnitin

Late penalty: 10% per day

The Community Assessment ACTIVITY is due February 9.

Formatting Final

Headings & Subheadings



Your Flex Lesson for the week of January 18 is to complete the Snow Geese In-Class Activity.snow geese image

Also complete the Connect question on the emails presentation below. Answer the questions on Connect available in the Module Folder titled “Practice Questions.” The link is on sidebar on the left.

Due:  6:00pm, Friday January 29 via turnitin


Negative Messages & Formal Letters

emails with Connect questions



Class on Monday, January 11 is intended to sharpen your ability to develop a logical argument by being as precElephant assumptionsise as possible. Come back to this lesson if you or I think your writing could be more precise or “sharper.” View these slides and answer the questions on Connect in the Module Folder of the same name.

Theory of Argumentation Part 1

Theory of Argumentation Part 2

DUE:  Sunday January 17


Mount Polley

Your Flex Lesson for the week of January 11 will be to complete the Mount Polley Activity.

BC Government Press Release

Mount Polley Global News story

Due:  Sunday, January 17, 11:59pm via turnitin



Flex Lessons will be posted here weekly, prior to the Flex class time on Fridays. Your Flex Lesson for January 8:

  • complete the Student Questionnaire and bring a hard copy to class next Monday
  • complete the Online Learning assignment as below
  • listen to the CBC World at Six on the radio (or its podcast), 6:00pm Sunday in preparation for a quiz in class on Monday:  http://www.cbc.ca/w6/
  • finish the homework assigned in class (Trade Agreement Mini-Report)

Student Questionnaire DAY ONE please bring a hard copy to class Monday, January 11


522_SalvadorBranch Clock_oro-clouds-500x510.11560693642Assignment – Tips for Online Learning Do the readings and post your responses as per the instructions on the DISCUSSION BOARD in Connect by Sunday, January 10, 11:59pm. The links are live but you can find them in Connect as well. The purpose of this assignment is to get you to think carefully about online learning and what it will take you to be successful in this course where roughly one half of the delivery is online. Keep in mind that while you are not required to be in class on Flex Days, you are required to make use of the extended office hours. I encourage you to make an appointment if you stop by and I’m not there.



Trade Agreement Mini-Report/Briefing Note

Assume you are working for a Canadian company that develops a number of products that we sell in the United States, Europe, China and Vietnam. The company is endeavouring to expand to additional markets, mostly in Asia. You have a manager who is returning from a 12 month maternity leave; she has asked you to write a report providing a summary of a number of international trade deals that have been signed since she left the office at the end of 2014.


The Deliverable: Write a mini-report (maximum two pages) that outlines what she needs to know about one international trade deal that has been signed in the last 12 months by at least one of the following governments:

  • Canada
  • United States
  • China

Your report must include:

  • Appropriate research including in text citations and a bibliography (not included in the two pages)
  • A title (a title page is not necessary)
  • Headings
    • Identify all the necessary headings before you start writing
  • One set of bullet points
  • Introduction and conclusion
  • Proper grammar, use of language and a readable style
  • It must not include a table of contents or an executive summary

Due: Friday, January 8, 3:00 pm via turnitin


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