Author Archives: jinnychoi

Is Vitamin C better than other cancer treatments?

There are many existing cancer treatments such as removing tumors by surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. However, all the treatments mentioned above have high risks in damaging patients’ health in the process of  killing or removing the tumors.

There have been ongoing discussions about the intravenous treatment of vitamin C as an alternative  cancer treatment by reducing tumours for cancer patients. One of the first researches on the effect of vitamin C on cancer patients was done by Nobel laureate Linus Pauling about 40 years ago. Even though his experiment was later criticized for being faulty and biased, the idea of  vitamin C’s benefits for cancer patients was further investigated.

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Vitamin C is one of the antioxidants that can prevent cancer. Antioxidants inhibit oxidation in human body. Substances such as oxygen which can oxidize into free radical molecule and damage cells’ DNA or cause cell death. Vitamin C is also known to improve our immune system, and prevent illnesses such as common colds.

However, this same vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is shown to reduce the tumour size in cancer patients. This is when the ascorbic acid is absorbed intravenously(IV) and in high dosage.

One of the many research papers on the effects of ascorbic acids shows decreased growth rate of mesothelioma cells, which is cancerous tumor cells. Since the growth and the spread of tumors with defects in its DNA are the crucial risk of cancer, the results of decrease in growth of tumor cells are significant improvement for cancer treatments. Another research article states that vitamin C is toxic to certain cancer cells, but not to normal cells.

The ascorbic acid is put into our body in the sodium ascorbate form to decrease the pH difference of the vitamin C and human blood. Therefore, if we consume too much ascorbic acid orally, it could cause acidic stomach.

Despite all the benefits of vitamin C, there are some critiques about vitamin C treatments that it only kills certain types of cancer cells, and  an excessive amount of vitamin C can affect absorption of Copper  and Selenium.

However, even with these minor concerns, trying the intravenous treatments of ascorbic acid for reducing tumor growth could be considered beneficial for cancer patients. Also, further researches and developments on the ascorbic acid treatment for cancer patients could improve the use of treatments for the future.




Treat your cavity before you feel the pain

Toothaches caused by cavities can be painful, and the treatment of drilling and filling can be even more painful. As one who fears tooth-aches, using the frequency-domain photothermal radiometry (PTR)  and modulated luminescence technology (LUM) in treating cavities before it causes pain is eye-catching. Recently, Health Canada  approved  a version of this technology to be used in dental offices.

When  bacteria in our mouth digest carbohydrates from the foods consumed, they produce acids that demineralize  the tooth enamal which causes lesions known as caries, and lead to cavitiesYouTube Preview ImageFor previous and many current treatments of cavities, dentists drill the cavities out and fill the hole with Amalgam, Gold, special plastic material, or other filling material. X-rays are often used to detect progressed cavities for drilling and filling treatment

Dr. Andreas Mendelis and his research team found a way to distinguish the area affected by the lesions before it causes the pain. Lesions have different characteristics compared to healthy teeth enamel in optical and thermal properties. The research team scanned teeth with low-power diode laser energy, and the distinctive luminescence and emitted heat of lesions were detected by an infrared camera. Measuring the reflected light and heat absorbed by the tooth can detect lesions in up to 5mm in depth of the tooth. From then on, reminerlizing solutions, such as flouride is used to restore the lost enamel as stated in Mendelis’ research.

When the laser is shone onto the tooth, the absorbed fraction of the photon after  migrating and scattering creates oscillatory temperature field. The oscillatory temperature field is then detected by the photothermal radiometry. Then, the different temperature of lesions and healthy enamel are observed.  The modulated luminescence(LUM) is added in detecting  lesions. There variation in the lifetime of decaying and healthy part of the tooth, which helps in detecting the lesions.

Laser light being shown onto the tooth. Image from

The difference of this new photothermal radiometry and traditional X-ray is that photothermal radiometry detects lesions in early stages where remineralizing solution can be used, instead of the drilling and filling. Many more benefits come from PTR and LUM treatments, including more accurate results and less painful procedure.


The microbes in our environment: should they all be filtered?


Have you ever wondered what’s in the air? Average people spend more than 90% of their lives indoor, with air that has been mechanically ventilated. The ventilation system in such places like hospitals protects people from airborne infections and the outdoor bacteria. Not only that, mechanical ventilation system filters, heats, and air-conditions  the outdoor air which keeps the suitable environment for us; however, the mechanical ventilation also keeps the good microbes, which strengthens our health, from entering into our indoor environment.

A recent project  states that there was a decrease in the microbial diversity in the ventilated indoor air in their research, but less microbial diversity is not necessarily good.Therefore they suggested that limiting certain microbes to enter our indoor environment and promoting the presence of the good microbes indoors could improve our health.

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Another research  shows that it is less likely to be prone to asthma, and protected from asthma.  This shows that the exposure to the microbes in the environment can definitely benefit human health.

Because a lot of microbes are known to be harmful to human health, it is crucial, as mentioned before, to keep the micro-diversity under control, with the presence of good microbes promoted, and harmful microbes inhibited.