Tag Archives: Cancer

Extra Gene Leads to Long Cancer-free and Fat-free Lives in Mice

Mouse (Photo by Ernst Vikne on www.flickr.com)

Can you imagine a world in which cancer and obesity can be prevented by a single gene? It may sound too good to be true, but researchers at the Spanish National Cancer Research Center (CNIO) in Spain have found such a gene. In fact, not only does this particular gene prevent cancer and obesity, it also increases longevity!

The gene in question is known as the ‘Pten’ gene, a tumor-suppressing gene that is often lost in humans affected with cancer.

“Tumor suppressors are actually genes that have been used by evolution to protect us from all kinds of abnormalities,” explains Manuel Serrano, a researcher who worked on this study.

With an extra copy of the Pten gene, mice appeared to be immune to cancer. In addition, these mice were also found to have less body fat; in fact, the Pten gene led to slimmer mice despite an increase in appetite.

Difference in liver fat of a mouse with the Pten gene and without. (Source: Researchers' own materials)

The decreased body fat can be explained by the fact that most tumor-suppressing genes increase the activity and production of brown fat. Brown fat is a special type of fat that burns energy rather than storing it. As people age, the amount of brown fat in their tissues tends to decrease and be replaced by the more familiar—and much-disliked—white fat. In the case of the mice with the extra Pten gene, the overactive brown fat led to their burning more calories.

Brown fat can also explain the observed increase in longevity, as it has been shown to have the beneficial effect of protecting against metabolic damage commonly associated with aging. Metabolism refers to the chemical reactions that take place in our body in order to maintain life. Numerous studies exist that show a correlation between the rate at which these metabolic processes occur and the longevity of organisms.

This study may have been performed on mice, but the results are very promising for humans as well. The amazing effects of the Pten gene indicate that it may be possible to develop a drug for humans that offers the same benefits.


Is Vitamin C better than other cancer treatments?

There are many existing cancer treatments such as removing tumors by surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. However, all the treatments mentioned above have high risks in damaging patients’ health in the process of  killing or removing the tumors.

There have been ongoing discussions about the intravenous treatment of vitamin C as an alternative  cancer treatment by reducing tumours for cancer patients. One of the first researches on the effect of vitamin C on cancer patients was done by Nobel laureate Linus Pauling about 40 years ago. Even though his experiment was later criticized for being faulty and biased, the idea of  vitamin C’s benefits for cancer patients was further investigated.

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Vitamin C is one of the antioxidants that can prevent cancer. Antioxidants inhibit oxidation in human body. Substances such as oxygen which can oxidize into free radical molecule and damage cells’ DNA or cause cell death. Vitamin C is also known to improve our immune system, and prevent illnesses such as common colds.

However, this same vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is shown to reduce the tumour size in cancer patients. This is when the ascorbic acid is absorbed intravenously(IV) and in high dosage.

One of the many research papers on the effects of ascorbic acids shows decreased growth rate of mesothelioma cells, which is cancerous tumor cells. Since the growth and the spread of tumors with defects in its DNA are the crucial risk of cancer, the results of decrease in growth of tumor cells are significant improvement for cancer treatments. Another research article states that vitamin C is toxic to certain cancer cells, but not to normal cells.

The ascorbic acid is put into our body in the sodium ascorbate form to decrease the pH difference of the vitamin C and human blood. Therefore, if we consume too much ascorbic acid orally, it could cause acidic stomach.

Despite all the benefits of vitamin C, there are some critiques about vitamin C treatments that it only kills certain types of cancer cells, and  an excessive amount of vitamin C can affect absorption of Copper  and Selenium.

However, even with these minor concerns, trying the intravenous treatments of ascorbic acid for reducing tumor growth could be considered beneficial for cancer patients. Also, further researches and developments on the ascorbic acid treatment for cancer patients could improve the use of treatments for the future.










Immune Cells from Healthy Donors May Help Fight Cancer Cells in Patients


Image from University of Oslo : Professor Johanna Olweus and her research team

Today, it is estimated that 2 out of 5 Canadians develop some type of cancer during their lifetime. Cancer rates are increasing around the world and is becoming a major concern. Professor Johanna Olweus and her research team at the University of Oslo have recently come up with a new method to treat certain types of cancer. The treatment involves using immune cells from donors to attack cancers cells in the patient. They claim that this approach has potential to eradicate cancer forever.


Image from Wikipedia by Fvasconcellos : General structure of an antibody

There is no known “cure” for cancer at present, but it is managed in several different ways. Immunotherapy treatments have been quite successful for several cases. Immunotherapy for cancer usually involves introducing antibodies or performing bone marrow transplants. Antibodies are proteins produced by white blood cells that recognize specific pathogenic cells, molecules, or the infected host cells. By tagging the infected cells, antibodies allow the body’s immune system to attack only those cells and prevent further damage. However, antibody-mediated treatments are not always effective because due to its high specificity, antibody targeted against one type of cancer cell is not effective for others.


Image from Flickr by Microbe World : T cell (center)

Bone marrow transplants are performed for patients with leukemia or lymphatic cancer. It involves transferring the bone marrow, which produces new blood cells, and T cells from the donor. T cells are important immune cells that, like antibodies, target specific cells and perform immune responses. Host T cells do not recognize cancer cells as foreign or harmful, however, since cancer cells are in fact host’s own cells that grow and replicate uncontrollably. The added T cells recognize cancer cells both as foreign and harmful, and act quickly to eliminate them. The treatment is effective but also very dangerous at the same time; new T cells can attack normal, uninfected cells of other intestines, causing serious damage or even death.


Professor Olweus attempts to combine the effectiveness of the transplant treatment with the accuracy of the antibody treatment. She was able to select donated T cells that targeted cells found only in specific organs. The injected T cells killed both healthy and infected target cells, preventing the tumor from spreading any further. This could be a powerful tool for people with types of cancer such as breast or liver cancer, which affect organs that people can live without, or that can be replaced with transplants. Another advantage is that T cells are more effective in detecting abnormalities in a cell. Antibodies only scan the cell surface but T cells can analyze both inside and outside of cells, providing a higher level of accuracy.


The study has promising aspects, but obviously has limitations. The method doesn’t seem to work for cancers such as lung cancer where we can’t manage to live without the organ. Most people would still prefer to live with their organs intact, and it would be ideal if only the infected cells were targeted. With further research, hopefully we will be able to overcome such limitations.


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