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Flu: A New Season Coming this Fall

Nowadays, influenza virus commonly know as the flu is treated relatively as minor illness. However, knowing that flu pandemics have caused death of millions of people in the past ,  people should be more cautious, specially those at a higher risk: children, pregnant woman, the elderly. Additionally, influenza infections can be prevented by annual vaccination.

What is Influenza?

Source:  The Medscape Network Description: Influenza virus structure and its different components and surface proteins.

Influenza is a disease caused by influenza viruses that infect the respiratory system of many animals, birds and humans. In humans, some of the symptoms that characterize these infections are cough, fever, runny nose, sore throat and headache. Interestingly, these symptoms usually appear two or three days after infection and typically do not last more than a week. The three types of influenza virus, include: A, B and C; where influenza A and B  viruses usually infect a large numbers of individuals within a population at the same time.

History of Influenza virus

An influenza pandemic occurs because of antigenic shift,  a process in which two or more viruses combine together to form a new subtype of influenza virus that spreads worldwide. Through history, influenza A viruses are responsible for all the pandemics that have occurred and they represent the greatest threat to the population. For example, the deadliest flu pandemic is the Spanish flu, it took place in 1918, causing between 40 and 100 million deaths worldwide. In 1918, there were no vaccines available against influenza, neither were there antibiotics to treat secondary infections associated with influenza infection.  According to the article published by Peter Palese, influenza viruses type A and B are responsible for the death of approximately  50,000 people in the U. S. every year.

Video: “Flu virus”  Source:  National Geographic| YouTube

Why is the influenza virus a threat to people?

According to the article published by Declan Butler,  vaccines are required to be developed each year because some regions of the outer proteins of influenza virus can undergo high mutation rates during replication. This explains why influenza viruses avoid detection by the immune system. When a person gets infected with the flu, their immune system will mount responses  based on the first encounter the person had with the virus, so the response in a second or third encounter will be stronger and it will be against the unchanged regions of the virus. However, because the virus has changed structurally the antibodies against the previous version of the virus will not be of much help.

What is the best solution?

Development of new vaccines every year that best match the strains predicted for the incoming influenza season. Flu vaccines are able to reduce the risk of serious flu complications that can result in hospitalization or even death. While the efficacy of annual flu vaccinations were not very high for the 2017-2018 flu season: 17% in Canada, 10% in Australia and 25% in the U.S.,  but they are better than nothing.

Source: Las Vegas Sun Newspaper Description: Tips to prevent the spread of the flu.

-Mariana Paspuel

You might be able to blame your coffee or tea addiction on your genes!

  Image1 .      Are you a coffee lover(left) or a tea lover(right)?   

Coffee, Tea, or Alcohol?

As university students, we spend a good chunk of our money on coffee, tea, and alcohol. These 3 drinks have been controversial topics as they have both beneficial and adverse health effects.

We all have a preferred drink among these 3, and there’s no guarantee that 5 of your closest friends will have the same preference as you. You might have noticed that one of your friends is less sensitive to caffeine’s bitter taste than you. Or, you are a heavier tea drinker than your friend. Well, there is no need to sweat it anymore, because a new study, led by Jue-sheng Ong and Daniel Hwang and published in Scientific Reports, examined around 400,000 people in the UK to see if there is a correlation between a person’s bitter taste perception, drink of choice and their genetic markers.

Image2 .        A new study explains why some people love coffee but others think it tastes disgusting.


There’s some good news from their findings. If you are a heavy coffee drinker (>4 cups/day) and the bitter taste of coffee doesn’t bug you, then you can thank or blame your genes. So the next time someone points out that you drink too much coffee, you can tell them that it isn’t your fault that your genes have an increased sensitivity to the bitter flavour of caffeine, thus making you 20% more likely than the average person to be a heavy coffee drinker.


Do you drink more than 5 cups of tea per day? Do you prefer tea over coffee? That is because you are more sensitive to the two chemicals (quinine and propylthiouracil) common in tea. This sensitivity is a result of the presence of receptors for those chemicals on your genes. Which makes you 4-9% more likely than the average person to be a heavy tea drinker.

So what?

The researchers suggest that coffee drinkers enjoy the bitterness of caffeine because of the buzz the chemical provides, but tea drinkers do not enjoy the bitterness of the chemicals in those drinks. Therefore, heavy tea drinkers are technically those whose genes have rejected coffee.

What about alcohol?

Unlike tea, for alcohol, a higher intensity of the propylthiouracil chemical reaction resulted in a lower consumption of alcohol. Ignoring the other side effects of alcohol consumption, alcohol’s elicit bitterness in humans might explain why our daily consumption behaviour of coffee and tea doesn’t apply to alcohol (i.e. why we don’t drink alcohol like we might drink coffee and tea daily).

Controversial Topic

While this 2018 paper looked at the underlying genetic reason(s) for our coffee, tea, and alcohol consumption preferences, coffee and tea have always been controversial topics. Their pros and cons have lead to numerous scientific articles, videos, and news articles being published.

An example of a YouTube video on the pros and cons of coffee and tea. (Video:

The coffee vs. tea debate is so big that even famous YouTubers are now discussing it. (Video:



One small fragment to bind a protein, one leap for celiacs!

In cities such as our own, gluten-free products are becoming increasingly available throughout grocery stores and restaurants. With exception of the health-conscious members of society, who is the primary consumer of these products? One such group is the portion of the population affected by the disorder known as celiac disease.

Rather eating gluten-free for health benefits, celiacs depend on these foods daily to avoid painful illness. In the United States, researchers estimated a prevalence of 1 in 141 peoples affected by celiac disease. Among the people affected many had been undiagnosed leading the researchers to conclude that celiac disease is not as rare as believed in previous years.

What is celiac disease?

What is celiac disease? Celiac disease is a disorder that inhibits those affected from consuming foods with gluten-containing ingredients such as wheat, barley, and rye. Celiac disease harms the small intestine making it incapable of absorbing nutrients during the digestion process which leads to illness. Celiac disease means an abnormal self-defence response is triggered within the body when gluten is consumed causing damage to the small intestine. If celiac disease is left undetected or untreated, common adverse health effects associated include anaemia (iron deficiency caused by iron loss) and osteoporosis (reduced density of bone material that increases chance of fracture). For example, anaemia as an adverse health effect from celiac disease can result because anaemia can be caused by a Vitamin B12 and iron deficiency. Because Vitamin B12 and iron are absorbed in the small intestine, this poses a problem for celiacs whose small intestines are damaged, leading to anaemia that will cause fatigue, weakness, and additional categorical anaemic symptoms.

Figure 1. Image outlining the causes of celiac disease. Source: Kim Moss Electronic Publishing Services Inc. 

Figure 2. Simplified diagram outlining the pathway of inflammation (swelling) for celiac disease caused by gluten antigens (foreign substance that induces a reaction). Source: Nature Genetics

Video: Celiac disease – causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and pathologyOsmosis YouTube channel.

Why is gluten triggering this disease and how is this discovery a leap forward for the celiac community?

Why is gluten causing these symptoms in people around North America? Gluten is composed of proteins called prolamins that are storage proteins (store key survival components for cells such as amino acids or metals). Prolamins are found in wheat, rye, barley, and corn which are common food ingredients. In a recent study conducted in Austria, a research team has discovered a method that provides the possibility of future treatments for celiac patients. The researchers utilized antibodies (proteins that neutralize invaders such as bacteria) to create fragments that bind and neutralize prolamins. Celiac disease currently requires a gluten-free diet that is expectedly followed religiously. The fragments created bind grains containing prolamin in everyday ingredients and has provided future studies the potential to revolutionize clinical treatments that improve quality of life. Discovered treatments can eventually be used to mask the prolamin, preventing it from being displayed to immune cells so an autoimmune response (self-immune response) is not triggered.

Before believing that you are affected by celiac disease, please be aware that irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and intolerances to foods such as dairy are similar in symptoms. No need to panic yet, but always be sure to check with a physician if you are experiencing symptoms! With the prevalence of celiac disease in the United States being 1 in 141 people, a treatment to reduce gluten sensitivity or inhibit it completely would improve many lives. The production of the antibody fragment that targets prolamin is a leap for the celiac community.

– Vanessa Niedzielski

Gut Bacterium Puts an End on Desperate Search for Type-O!

Long quest of the universal blood type

The idea of an ultimate universal blood type have dragged many intrigued life scientists into decades-long search for a routine productive type-O conversion. Now UBC’s Prof. Withers says his Lab made a leap towards the clinical use of universal blood group.

(Getty images; BBC )

So what is a blood type?

Since the discovery of quadruple blood types A,B, AB and O, medical scientists and a bit later immunologists have shared a long trail of hopeless struggle with the blood transfusion challenges. Recipient’s intense and potentially life-threatening immune responses are triggered by administering the incompatible blood types. The basic distinction among these blood types is the so called chemical molecules, so called markers, on the surface of the red blood cells; type-O red blood cells, however, completely lack these markers and thus could be safely transfused regardless of recipients’ blood types. In the case of type-O, the recipient’s immune system will not respond because it detects no markers on donor’s red blood cells.

(Kristine Ho;ubyssey website)

Pioneers of universal blood type

Back in 80’s, scientists took the initiative to remove those signatures from A, B and AB red blood cells, using a few enzymes, and turn these types into type-O to make it available to everyone in need particularly in emergency scenarios where there is a critically limited time to characterize patient’s blood type. The biggest obstacle, though, was impracticality and inefficacy of use of then-candidate enzyme. Besides, there was no technique for mass production of the key enzyme at the time.

And … the leap of faith!

UBC Withers’s Lab recently gained promising results by manipulating a number of common signature-removing enzymes that made the invented enzymes more robust and efficient than original ones. The new enzymes are found in a gut bacterium and was easily modified in this bug. The newly found enzymes have shown a significant competency in removing the red blood cell signatures. The last barrier to overcome is to enable this enzyme to cut out remaining forms of signatures in A and B red blood cells. Everything worked out in the laboratory, yet Withers group now looks into potential side effects and safety facets of their achievement.

by: Jamaledin Adel