Author Archives: hanna mcdonnell

Sustainable Infrastructure Development? You Can Have Your Cake and Eat it too!

Roses are red, violets are blue, your house should be green, and everyone else’s too! I am not talking about the colour; I’m talking about sustainably built buildings engineered to conserve energy and reduce negative impacts associated with infrastructure development.

How Important are green buildingS?

Buildings contribute to nearly 40% of global CO2 emissions and are therefore contributing more to global emissions than the entire transportation industry. A recent study attempted to quantify the contributions of green buildings to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) outlined by the united nations. Their study revealed that green buildings will help meet the SDGs 3 (Good Health and Well-Being), 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) and 12 (Consumption and Production).

An image tweeted by the World Green Building Council outlines how buildings need to be net carbon zero by 2050 to meet emission goals, illustrating the importance of advancing green building technology. Image Credit: World Building Council

Where do building emissions come from?

The emissions from buildings can be divided into two sections: construction and operational costs. There is an upfront emission cost associated with the materials and infrastructure development during construction that accounts for 28% of the building’s emissions. Building operations include the energy used to heat, cool and light buildings, accounting for the remaining 72% of building emissions.

The carbon emissions in buildings can be divided into ‘upfront’ embodied carbon and operational carbon. Image Credit: Interface

What makes a green building “Green”?

Green buildings use different strategies to reduce the carbon footprint created by the structure: reducing energy costs, utilizing higher insulation, or collecting all necessary water on site. However, green buildings do not just apply to new buildings. Existing buildings can be made more sustainable by investing in renewable energy to replace fossil fuels or adding a green roof and solar shading devices.

Right in downtown Vancouver, the Vancouver Convention Centre is one of the leading green building designs. This building uses many creative tactics to meet net-zero carbon emissions and even provides positive feedback. This building’s roof has two distinct features that aid in decreasing its environmental impact: indigenous plants and grasses that acts as an insulator to help the building use less energy in heating and cooling and four beehives that pollinate the plants and provide honey for the kitchen. The building also has a restored marine habitat that is helping improve the water quality in the surrounding area, a water recycling system, a seawater heating and cooling system, and many other features. The architecture of this building is truly a marvel to see. See the video below to learn more about the roof of the Vancouver Convention Centre.

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Video tour of the roof of the Vancouver Convention Centre and its functions. Video Credit: Vancouver Convention Center

Along with the Vancouver Convention Centre, there are many other green buildings all around the world: the Pixel Building (Melbourne, Australia), Museum of Tomorrow (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Bosco Verticale (Milan, Italy), and many more all around the world. As green building technology develops, hopefully, this list will grow until all buildings in the world are considered green buildings.

The Renaissance of Magic Mushrooms!

What do you think of when you hear magic mushrooms, otherwise known as psychedelic or medicinal mushrooms? Do you think of hippies protesting wars? Or high teenagers walking through the woods talking about how “trippy” the trees are? I bet you don’t see a therapist office with a licensed therapist and physician guiding a patient through a powerful psychedelic experience. However, this is precisely where the field of psychedelic research is heading.

Psilocybin, the active compound found in psychedelic mushrooms, is a powerful hallucinogenic that can cause numerous physical and psychological effects in the user. The potential physical effects include numbness, dry mouth, exaggerated reflexes and more. However, it is the psychological effects that make psilocybin a potential therapeutic drug for depression. Psilocin, a psilocybin metabolite, acts on serotonin receptors in the brain, increasing the hormone serotonin. This effect is similar to that of SSRIs, the most commonly used drug for depression. Unlike SSRIs, though, psilocybin has another property that helps combat depression; it increases communication across networks in the brain. This allows for a state of unstrained cognition that helps users resist depressive patterns by assisting the brain in building new neural connections.

Image showcasing the brain connections of a person on psilocybin (b) versus a person taking a placebo (a) Credit: Science Alert

The John Hopkins Center for Psychedelics and Consciousness Research leads the way in psychedelic research. The university hosted a clinical trial into psychedelic mushrooms as a treatment for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). In this study, participants went through two psilocybin sessions four weeks apart in the context of supportive psychotherapy. Of the 24 participants in the trial, 17 (71%) saw an improvement in their MDD and 13 (54%) were considered in remission after 4 weeks. See the two videos below to hear Roland Griffiths talk about his research and this study and a participant speak about his experience.

YouTube Preview Image The video covers the experience of an individual that was participating in the study and their experience with psilocybin. Video Credit: John’s Hopkins Media Team

YouTube Preview Image The Video covers the motivation behind studying psilocybin as a treatment option for Major Depressive Disorder and the experience of carrying out the experiment. Video Credit: John’s Hopkins Media Team

Although the research into psilocybin as a treatment for depression seems like new, breakthrough research, it is actually a rediscovered field. In the 1960s and 1950s, hundreds of studies were done on the use of LSD and psilocybin as therapeutic agents. However, the association between these drugs and counterculture killed the research in this field until recently. In the past few years, there have been hundreds of studies published each year on psilocybin as a treatment for numerous mental health disorders: PTSD, addiction, and anxiety, along with depression. The renaissance we are experiencing into using psilocybin and other psychedelic compounds as treatment for mental health disorders could help millions of people as the prevalence of these disorders continues to rise.