Entry 3: Literature Review

Entry 3:

The question in my previous post, “how do visible minorities and Indigenous peoples coincide in Canada?” led me to this article: https://digital.library.ryerson.ca/islandora/object/RULA%3A1429/datastream/OBJ/download/The_Relationships_Between_Racialized_Immigrants_And_Indigenous_Peoples_In_Canada__A_Literature_Review.pdf

This literature review found that immigrants and Indigenous communities do not necessarily share an instinctive bond through shared marginalization within Canada. This may be due to a combination of a lack of exposure between the two groups, and/or also because many countries do not have the same historical context behind the significance of Indigenous peoples. The divide between the two is interesting, and it makes me wonder whether or not that gap should be closed, and whose responsibility that would be.

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