MODULE 1: POST 2 – Indigenous Protocols

I came across this Indigenous Protocol guide and thought that it would be useful to share. It is always important to know the proper protocols so that we can learn and share the knowledge and information in a respectable way. In this guide, there is information on how to properly and respectfully show recognition of Indigenous land acknowledgement. Land acknowledgment should be engrained into our minds like how national anthems are. The Indigenous land acknowledgement should be our anthem: one that is learned, repeated, and memorized.

There are also elder protocols where you learn how treat them with respect and know how to meet their needs. We should be showing elders respect like how people show respect to the royal family. Elders are individuals that can teach us more than we know and should be provided with the utmost respect. It is a privilege and honour to be in the presence of an elder.

Finally there are talking stick protocols that teach us how to use this powerful tool used for communication, potlatch protocols on how to attend ceremonies, powwow protocols that need to be respected, and Indigenous cultural tourism protocols to consider when traveling.

Check out the guidebook here: Indigenous Protocol

One comment

  1. Hi Stephanie,
    Thanks for sharing this! I have been thinking of ways to invite elders as guests in an online environment and I think the guidebook would be a great resource to use for this!

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