Finding Your Personal Land Acknowledgement


The University of Saskatchewan has developed an excellent website on developing your own land acknowledgement.

To do this, you must use your own voice and provide the Land Acknowledgement from your heart.

The site has 5 videos that provide the why, historical perspectives  and lastly building your own acknowledgement.   It is part of a set of free online learning modules called Indigenous Voices.   Other topics include Indigenous Education, Power and Privilege and Land Agreements.




University of Saskatchewan. (2021). Land Acknowledgements.


  1. Hello DeeDee,
    This is very interesting! I watched all the videos – thank you for sharing this resource! I like learning that a land acknowledgement can be personalized. When there’s meaning behind it, it’s not just empty words. This is very helpful as I consider the land acknowledgment I will share with my students in the fall.

    1. As I have been researching more about land acknowledgements I feel that personalization has been the point that has come up over and over as way to avoid the ‘rote’ as Deborah mentions in her comment.

  2. Yes, thank you, DeeDee! What a great resource. There has been much discussion in my program about how to ‘best’ do land acknowledgements. They can sometimes be very ‘rote’, just words people say at the beginning of the term and then forgotten.
    I will share this resource with my colleagues!

    Deborah Wolf

  3. Thanks for this resource DeeDee! At my school we are trying to have our land acknowledgement sound less rote where students just read from a script and this is one great way to start that process!

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