M3, Entry 4: Decolonization and Indigenization resource collection

Module 3: Decolonization and Indigenous Property Rights

Entry 4: Decolonization and Indigenization resource collection

This post on UBC’s NITEP (Indigenous Teacher Education Program) page is a collection of resources created to support educators in decolonizing education and indigenizing their teaching. The resources shared are from a variety of Canadian provinces and also one from Australia (8 Ways of Knowing Framework) that I hadn’t seen before.

Diving deeper into the 8 Ways of Knowing Framework, I found the protocol page which states, “if you use something, give something back.” This is a good reminder for me as I seek out resources and begin the process of decolonizing my teaching practice: Reciprocation is part of the process. I cannot achieve this goal in isolation, but rather within a larger community.


NITEP. (2021, January 18). Indigenous education digital resources: From toolkits and reports to guides and frameworks, find resources that will help decolonize learning and indigenize teaching. UBC Faculty of Education NITEP. https://nitep.educ.ubc.ca/january-18-2021-indigenous-education-digital-resources-from-toolkits-and-reports-to-guides-and-frameworks-find-resources-that-will-help-decolonize-learning-and-indigenize-teaching/

Protocol. (July 9, 2021). 8 Ways. https://www.8ways.online/our-protocol

One comment

  1. Allison, great post! The notion of reciprocity as expressed in the sentiment “if you use something, give something back” is extremely important in decolonizing education and instilling that general principle in students. It would be remarkable to see “The 8 Ways Framework” centrally integrated into curricula across the provinces and territories.

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