Entry 2: Surrey School District

Entry 2:

Working in the Surrey School District, I was curious about what Indigenous resources were available on the district website. https://www.surreyschools.ca/ProgramsAndServices/ABRG/Pages/default.aspx

The teacher resource page was easy to find: https://aboriginalresourcesforteachers.weebly.com/

Before any student presentation, the presenting student does a land acknowledgement. The website contains a very helpful explanation as to the significance of doing so, understanding that “too many people are reading the script without really understanding what it means.  Know why you are doing it wand what it means” https://aboriginalresourcesforteachers.weebly.com/introduction.html

Going through this website created by helping teachers, one can gain a good insight as to the district’s central goals regarding Indigenous education. There appears to be a strong emphasis on avoiding Indigenous education and understandings from becoming a “study of them” and instead a more natural integration of Indigenous culture with that of colonial settlers. Surrey has a unique perspective on this however, as it has a significant immigrant population, which could be an interesting field to study. How do visible minorities and Indigenous peoples coincide in Canada?

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