Tag Archives: #Aboriginal

MODULE 3-ENTRY 1: The Silent Genocide: Aboriginal Language Loss FAQ

The Silent Genocide: Aboriginal Language Loss FAQ


This article not only explains the concept of language extinction, but also explains the implications of the extinction of native languages. The article also provides data on where the causes of language extinction stem from and the status of language extinction in Canada. The writer examines the various causes of language extinction and discusses specific and realistic ways in which we can do what we can to overcome and revitalize it.

M2 P1: Are myths really myths?

I found this video on YouTube and was intrigued by the title.  She presents the point about researchers who only talk with aboriginal people as information givers, not as experts themselves. The story she talks about really illustrates the point that the knowledge that is sought is there in the people that have been living on the land for 50, 000 years. We just need to listen, not just ask questions to elicit information, but just listen to the stories, legends and place based knowledge of the people who know it best, and that most myths and legends do have a basis in fact.


Koolmatrie, J. [TEDxAdelaide]. (2018, January 26). The myth of aboriginal stories being myths [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/aUIgkbExn6I