Tag Archives: ata

M3: Entry 3 – Alberta Treaty History

The Alberta Teachers Association has created a publication called Stepping Stones.  It was developed to help teachers meet the TQS requirements of First Nations, Métis and Inuit Foundational Knowledge competency. As part of my final project, I want to explore the history of treaties in Alberta and they have created an excellent map and information guide for Treaty 6, 7, and 8.   Other topics include: Traditional plant uses, Linguistic Diversity and Revitalization and Elder Protocol. The ATA is continually adding new documents to the collection so users are encouraged to check back for new publications regularly.



Alberta Teachers Association. (2021). Resources: Stepping Stones. Retrieved July 7, 2021 from https://www.teachers.ab.ca/For%20Members/Professional%20Development/IndigenousEducationandWalkingTogether/Pages/Resources.aspx