Tag Archives: emotions

Module 3 Post 4: Emotions about Colonialism and Decolonization

I invite you to take a moment to watch this webinar series – “Alliance Building in the Academy and in the Community: The Role of Decolonizing and Indigenizing” (Simon Fraser University, 2020). Although my initial intentions were to find Indigenous voices, I am starting to realize that as a non-Indigenous educator I also need to hear the experiences of other non-Indigenous people. One of the main concepts I take away from this resource is about feelings/emotions. Emotions about colonialism and decolonization are tricky to deal with. We may feel anger, denial, fear, guilt, and so on. We also carry emotions from other aspects of our lives and these can have an impact on how we respond to colonialism and decolonization. These feelings play an important role in how we relate or don’t relate to each other.

I found this webinar very engaging and I hope you do too.



Simon Fraser University. (2020 November, 10). Alliance building in the academy and in the community: The role of decolonizing and Indigenizing. In Decolonizing and Indigenization webinar series. https://www.sfu.ca/cee/events/decolonization-indigenization.html