Tag Archives: future generations

Module 3 Post 5: Flowers in the garden

I’m excited to share this resource about Indigenization from the University of Saskatchewan. The Elders’ from the university have insightful messages for the students. They talk about respect towards one another, human kindness, honesty, trust, openness, equality, relating to others, self-examination, and so on. What particularly stood out to me was the analogy they gave about the flowers in the garden. The flowers in the garden are all different from each other, but they are all beautiful and they all get along. They are all special in their own way. Students can be thought of as flowers – each student is different. Each student brings with them their own culture. And just like flowers, each student is beautiful and it’s important for them to all get along. The Elders’ also explained the value of a teachers job – it is a great gift to be able to share knowledge and to help future generations.

I value hearing the perspectives of Indigenous peoples regarding Indigenization. Learning what is important to them and what they value helps me feel more comfortable contributing meaningfully to Indigenization efforts as a non-Indigenous educator.


University of Saskatchewan. (n.d.). Indigenization. Teaching and Learning. https://teaching.usask.ca/curriculum/indigenization.php#EldersMessage