Tag Archives: indigenouslanguage

MODULE 2-ENTRY 2: Say it First | Indigenous language Revitalization

Say It First is an Canadian organization which helps to Modernize, Expand, Revitalize and Localize Indigenous languages in Canada by connecting communities and using technology. There are various resources for children such as children books written in Native languages and children’s shows accompanied by books and language lessons. Its vision is to to produce more speakers today than existed yesterday, to  reverse the tide of language loss, and to help with language vitality so the Elders can spend time passing on culture.

Here is the YouTube link for materials for line-up of children shows.



Find it here: https://www.sayitfirst.ca/

M1, ENTRY4: Language is Our Life Line

In this TED talk, Kwak’wala language teacher Joye Walkus passionately shows the cultural and spiritual significance of saving indigenous languages and culture for future generations.

Like she mentioned in the talk, just a collection of words cannot represents a language. So teaching and learning indigenous language must be more difficult than we expect because the traditional language is losing their daily life contexts. Since residential schools caused the extermination of indigenous culture and language, now it is endangered and limitations exists to revitalize this language. After I watch this TED talk, I could realize why language should be preserved and flourish. She wants to hear more of her language and she wants us to hear more of her language. She strongly insists this language has to survive, for the past, today, and our future.

And I hope there must be feasible and practical ways to help this language to survive and flourish by technology with indigenous education.


TEDx Talks. [2015, December 11]. Language is our Life Line | Joye Walkus | TEDxVictoria. [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqleT-kB6GU&ab_channel=TEDxTalks