Tag Archives: meaning

Module 2 Post 2: Indigenization – is a checklist sufficient?

What does Indigenization mean? Is Indigenization simply a matter of following a checklist? What is the desired outcomes of Indigenizing a post-secondary curriculum/institution? I believe these are important questions to consider in order to participate authentically in the Indigenization process. Pidgeon’s (2015) article considers the role of Indigenization in higher education to help overcome current disparities in education and societies for Indigenous peoples.


Pidgeon, M. (2015). More than a checklist: Meaningful Indigenous inclusion in higher education. Cogitatio, 4(1), 77-91. https://www.proquest.com/docview/1778778383?https://www.proquest.com/sociology1/advanced?accountid=14656&pq-origsite=summon

Module 1 Post 1: What does Indigenization mean and why is it important?

Module 1 Post 1

Before I investigate the process of Indigenization of post-secondary curriculums and the role technology plays in Indigenization, I think it’s important to first understand what Indigenization means and why it’s important. In this first video, Dr. Jo-ann Archibald from the University of British Columbia explains what it means to Indigenize a curriculum.


The second video also explores what Indigenization means. In addition, it highlights the importance of Indigenizing educational institutions.
