Tag Archives: #ways of knowing #traditional learning #indigenous #math

Teaching and Learning Through the Medicine Wheel

Module 3, Post 1

In week 7 I posted the medicine wheel as a symbol and tool for wellness, but it has many roles that it serves and is a significant symbol among Indigenous peoples. Here are various online resources that can support learning about and with the Medicine Wheel and its connection to mathematical concepts linked to geometry and the circle:


Gardypie, R. (n.d). Integrating First Nations and Metis content and perspective grade 1:  Earth and space science- daily and seasonal changes (DS). Prairie Spirit School Division. https://www.spiritsd.ca/learningresources/FNM%20Resources/GR1%20Science%20on%20Daily%20and%20Seasonal%20Changes%202011.pdf

The Alberta Teachers’ Association. (2006). Education is our Buffalo: A Teachers’ Resource for First Nations, Metis and Inuit Education in Alberta. https://www.albertaschoolcouncils.ca/public/download/documents/55705

Tribal Trade Co. (2020, June 19). What is the Medicine Wheel? (Medicine Wheel Teachings 1010).   YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7nb4rJ_N14