Here is the assignment version of the Mon 3PM quiz question.
Category Archives: Assignments
Assignment/Quiz 4, Mon 9AM Edition
Here is the assignment version of the Mon 9AM quiz question.
Protected: Quiz 3: Tue 1PM Edition (and important exam info)
Protected: Assignment 2 Sample Solution
Assignment/Quiz 2, Wed Noon Edition and Full Version
A few items this time:
- The Wed noon quiz edition, which I think someone wanted for some reason (vs. just the full assignment). Algorithm 4 is new for the assignment.
- The Full Assignment #2.
- The Full Assignment #2 LaTeX source (with a .txt extension for UBC Blogs’ benefit).
Again, READ THE ACADEMIC CONDUCT GUIDELINES! Learn by collaborating! However, while we hate having to prosecute cheating cases, we do so when you ignore these guidelines. If in doubt, ask!
Assignment/Quiz 2, Tue 1PM Edition
Here’s the Tue 1PM Quiz in its assignment version. (Centrality is new on the assignment.)
Assignment/Quiz 2, Mon 3PM Edition
Here’s the Mon 3PM Quiz in its assignment version. (The “Even More Exhausted” questions are new on the assignment.)
Assignment/Quiz 2, Mon 9AM Question
Here’s the Mon 9AM Quiz in its assignment version. (Naive correctness and the bonus reduction problem are new.)
Protected: Assignment #1 Sample Solution
Full Assignment/Quiz 1 (post Wed 12PM tutorial)
Now that all the tutorials are done, here’s the full assignment version of the first set of quizzes. Note that there’s no additional problem, but there are additional parts to some of the problems from the tutorial quizzes.
READ THE ACADEMIC CONDUCT GUIDELINES! We give you a lot of freedom to collaborate in order to better learn and succeed in the course. We hate having to prosecute cheating cases, but we do so when you ignore these guidelines. If in doubt, ask!