

Date: September 20, 2019

Subject: Prospective Professional Writing Team Inquiry

Attachments: 301-Connor-Runnalls-Application-Letter

Dear Jobina,

Upon reviewing your application, I would be delighted to extend an offer for a position on a professional writing team.

Your desire to be early with assignments is a vital attribute for any project but would be especially appreciated on this professional writing team. In addition, as you mentioned, having a breadth of knowledge from studying multiple subjects would diversify the team in a significant way. This diversification would be key in the team’s writing as it would facilitate a wide variance in knowledge and input from each member with different perspectives.

Attached below is my letter of application. If my offer has peaked your interest, please let mke know. There are already three members on the team and adding you as a fourth would round the team out nicely.


Connor Runnalls
