A few thoughts to wrap up the year

Well, that’s a wrap! After a full year working as an educational developer (ED), I think it is a good time to take stock and to reflect on my learning journey so far.

Departure Platform, SubwayPhoto Credit: Free-Photos, via Pixabay, CC0

Overall, I think I leveraged my strengths well in streamlining the process of planning, coordination, and execution of the CTLT Institutes. With the implementation of a Call for Contributions process, we were able to invite proposals from a broader community of educators and to select quality proposals that supported participants to engage in innovative, evidence-based approach of teaching and learning within their own contexts. As well, we collected relevant information for marketing (e.g., Twitter handles) and event logistics (e.g., technology requirements) to minimize internal communication load. We also designed session evaluation forms that invited balanced participant feedback, with language that aligned with our institution’s tenure and promotion criteria to better acknowledge the invaluable contributions of our Institute Facilitators. My hope is to continue to clarify expectations and to improve these processes in order to elevate the brand of CTLT Institutes within our teaching and learning community.

I enjoy the freedom to be creative and to initiate new projects on my own with goals to contribute to our teaching and learning community; my role continues to evolve and shift as I stretch into different learning zones. I also appreciate the various invitations to collaborate on projects with my colleagues; to me, these aren’t just another learning opportunity, these are my colleagues’ recognition of my skills and gentle encouragements to deepen my ED practice. While I have the energy and enthusiasm to inject into my role, I am also learning to pause, observe, activate my curiosity (rather than reacting with judgment), and ask more questions before diving in. One of the biggest learning curve is navigating the complex organization, along with its own historical contexts and invisible cultures. My manager, colleagues, and collaborators are important resources that I need to seek out more strategically in supporting my development as a novice ED. I am grateful for the patience, generosity, and kindness that they have shown me as I stumble and fall. It is my intention to be more mindful of and to develop more awareness around the impact of my presence and behaviour on others.

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