Educational Development

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Within the Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology (CTLT), I was a member of the Teaching and Learning Professional Development team.

Together, we design and offer a wide range of services, programs, and resources to faculty, staff, and students to build our collective capacities to produce meaningful student learning and engagement.

A snapshot of my involvement is highlighted below:

CTLT Institutes

Hosted three times a year, CTLT Institutes feature interactive workshops where the members of the UBC teaching and learning community have an opportunity to network, gain practical ideas, and share best practices.

My role was to coordinate and design processes to advance evidence-based and innovative practices to inspire and to support the teaching and learning community in their professional growth and capacity development.

New changes that I implemented during my tenure include:

Institute Facilitator Development Workshop Series was developed as a token of thanks to our generous Institute Facilitators for their involvement and commitment to the UBC teaching and learning community. The intentions were to support Institute Facilitators’ learning needs, to build a community of facilitators through knowledge sharing, and to creates opportunities for interdisciplinary collaborations beyond the Institutes. Please see my blog post Developing the Institute Facilitators for my rationale and process in designing the inaugural workshop. You may also find the workshop plan and materials under the Resources Tab.

Participant Process Space, the Space of Connection, was reserved for workshop attendees to continue their discussion and/or personal reflection following a workshop. While there was no clear structure to how one engages in this space, we provided a generic process worksheet that may help participants to integrate new knowledge into their teaching contexts and practices.


I draw on existing needs to design and deliver context specific workshops and processes. I have facilitated numerous teaching and learning professional development workshops and processes since 2013.

Please find a list of workshops and processes I have facilitated under the Facilitation Tab.


I conduct confidential one-on-one consultations with members of the teaching and learning community to develop, implement, and evaluate their teaching practices, department-specific workshops and programs.

Please view the Consultation Tab for more information.

Open Case Studies

I am involved in a TLEF project where faculty and students from across departments and Faculties are brought together to co-create an interdisciplinary, open educational resource with case studies that can be used by anyone, at UBC or elsewhere. Many of these case studies focus on topics in sustainability, but we also include cases on other topics that benefit from an interdisciplinary approach.

My role includes:

  • Recruit and consult with faculty members to develop and implement course assignments to involve students in using, revising, or creating open case studies on UBC-hosted Wiki, with aims to support self-directed and higher-level learning through knowledge generation
  • Collaborate with and foster relationships with teaching and learning support staff at CTLT to expand the use and reach of Open Educational Resources
  • Develop user survey to assess Open Case Studies’ efficacy and impact on learning in various learning contexts
  • Conduct scholarship of teaching and learning project to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of open case studies on student learning

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