The Disadvantages of Twitter

Twitter offers the chance to reach hundreds of millions people without any direct costs. Many companies utilize Twitter in their own business. They can marketing inexpensively and effectively. About 140 million people actively use Twitter as of the data of publication, according to the social media network. However, Twitter also has its own limitation and disadvantage.The Disadvantages of Twitter


  1. Posting limits
    Twitter has a 140-character limit to its posts, therefore, users must type tweets concisely. Users cannot tweet videos from uploading. Users can only allow send a maximum of 1000 tweets a day.
  2. Follower Limitations
    Twitter does not limit the number of followers that can follow you; however, accounts that have more than 2,000 followers are usually monitored for unlawful behavior.Once you have 2,000 followers, Twitter can limit the number of additional followers you can receive.
  3. Spamming

Twitter has more than 140 million active users, it is sad to say some of them are spammers who posting links with unrelated tweets, posting duplicate updates, and providing links to websites that promote phishing practices and malware.Twitter has improved its security measures by enable users to flag whet they deem to be spammers.

  1. Addictive

Some twitter users may find it is difficult to walk away twitter, and some how become an obsession. They will post any thing even that is not relevant or useful.

Beside above disadvantage, personally, there is some limitation of Twitter.

Buried Tweets


In order to reduce the plethora of new tweets entered on a daily basis, Twitter has an examination to filter to tweets. Especially for the new individual user, their tweets have the potential to bury quickly and many tweets may go unseen. It is what happens to me, as I am the new users of twitter. My tweets can’t show up even I add a hashtag. It is really annoying me since I can’t post my class participation.


Top Social Media KPIs

Here are the top KIPs that lead to growth in brand reach, lead nurturing, and sales on social media.

  1. The KPI reporting
  • There is a free Excel-Based Social Media Scorecard that automatically calculates trend lines and color-codes scores. The report will show green color if the score is satisfaction, show yellow or red when scores fall into a level of urgency.



  1. Follower Growth
  • Growing the number of followers means growing your brand’s reach on social networks. On other words, the number of followers and fans means how many people are in your circles. More followers don’t always mean more success. However, if the company begins to notice that more people are unfollowing than the number of people who are following, they should be pay more attention and need to adjust the strategy. Such as changing the frequency of the posts and possibly even the content that they posting.
  1. Link Click-Through
  •  Increasing number of Link Click-Through means increasing number of active Followers who should be made up of a relevant and influential people who actively interact and engage with the company.
  1. Likes and Shares
  •  Content that gets shared by the audience is the fastest ways to grow relevant follower bases on social networks. It is a quick check to see if the audience likes any of the posts or the content is attractive to them. It is because no one will want to share or like a post that isn’t relevant to them or their network.
  1. Referral Traffic
  • The percentage of the traffic to the company website will indicate the follower base which is becoming more relevant and contains target audience members.


The Good and Bad of Social Media Marketing

Social media  is the social interaction among people in which they create, share or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. There are different types of social media: collaborative projects (Wikipedia), Blogs (Twitter), Content communities (YouTube), social networking sites (Facebook) and virtual game worlds (World of warcraft).

This OutMarket infographic explores some disadvantages of social media marketing, however, they are questionable.

  1. 50% of the top senior executives aren’t convinced of social media’s value. It is because social media value is difficult for the staff t o measure accurately.


  1. It mentioned, Social media only accounts for 1.14% of e-commerce traffic. However,I doubt the numbers. Nowadays, most people are utilizing applications to interact with social media. I think it will not be a small number.
  2. 85% of companies do not connect social activity to business outcomes.
  • It is not the fault of social media marketing if the companies don’t connect social activity to business outcomes. On the other hand, most of the top brands will utilize social media channel to interconnect customers to raise awareness and generate revenue. The 85% of companies must some small companies which they don’t need social activity for the moment.
  1. Email still outperforms social media in terms of conversions 40 to 1.
  • Undoubtedly, Email outperforms social media. But if you have someone’s email address, that means that you already have a relationship with him or her.Social provides the opportunity to build a relationship enough to gather the email address.