Have you checked out posts from the EDST blog‘s Writing Series?

GAA Itamar Manoff’s post “On Public Facing Scholarship,” offers tips and ideas on how to get your work out there and translate your research into prose that is public-facing. In another post, blog editor Jessica Lussier explores the genre and benefits of “Academic Blogging. Keep an eye out for an upcoming call for blog submissions!

On Academic Blogging (and an Invitation for the New Year)

On Academic Blogging by Jessica Lussier

This blog post describes the form of “academic blogging,”and highlights some of its benefits, including: The opportunity to test an idea or concept, helping your writing reach a wider audience, and learning to edit for beyond academia.

“On Public Facing Scholarship” by Itamar Manoff

On Public Facing Scholarship by Itamar Manoff

This blog post offers some tips and ideas on how to get your work out there and  how to translate your research into prose that is public-facing and accessible. Included are some opportunities to get support for public scholarship projects.


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