EDST faculty are warmly invited to include the EDST blog in their syllabi.

Example Course Assignments:

Blog Post Writing Assignment

Consider using the “blog post” format (typically 500-1,000 words) as an assignment for students to write on a particular educational issue, author or other course topic. Students may choose to submit their posts for publication on the blog. This recent post by Yotam Ronen is a great example of academic blogging to share with students.

Integrating Multimedia

Students can share multimedia pieces (videos, animation, photography and other art forms) from course work. This post from Jessica Lussier is an example of integrating photography within the blog format.

Student Reflections

The blog is a perfect space for students to write about EDST student life. Instructors can:

  • Ask students to summarize course learnings in a blog post assignment.

  • Assign an “Op-Ed” style piece where students discuss university life, student issues, or other educational topics. For an example Op-Ed, see this article from EDST’s Jason Ellis.

  • Invite students to reflect on a course presentation, lecture, or other content — For example: in this post Gabriella Maestrini reflects on a workshop she gave at this year’s EDST Research Day.

Group Project: Blog Series Proposal

In this assignment, groups will propose a blog post series on an educational issue or topic from the course. Group proposals may include:

      • An abstract
      • A series outline (including topics for each blog post)
      • A reference list for the blog posts

For an example of a blog series, check out “Against Normalcy” by professor Alison Taylor.

Groups interested in pursuing their blog series can work the blog editor for publishing the final product.


Questions or ideas about the blog and EDST courses?

Reach out to blog editor, Jessica Lussier.


EDST Blog: Call for Papers (and Introduction to Editorial Board) (2/24/2023) by Blog Editor - The EDST blog editorial board is pleased to invite EDST students, staff, and faculty to submit contributions to the EDST blog.   Department head André Mazawi described EDST as our “common home,” “in the sense of a space we all…
The Research Day Blog Publication Award Winner... Winner of 2024 Research Day Blog Publication Award: Mahfida Tahniat! (8/2/2024) by Blog Editor - We are happy to announce the winner of the 2024 Research Day Blog Publication Award... Mahfida Tahniat! Mahfida is a PhD student in EDST— her Research Day Post below discusses "floating schools" in Bangladesh, highlighting their role in providing education…
Remembering Sandy Abah Banner Remembering Sandy Abah (5/23/2024) by Blog Editor - From Alison Taylor and Claudia Ruitenberg Sandy was the Graduate Program Assistant in Educational Studies between 2013 and 2019. When Alison was Graduate Advisor from 2017 to 2019, she worked closely with her. In the same role, Claudia worked closely…