
Conversation with one or two teachers who have experience in the “old” and “new” curriculum.

Due: Friday, January 20, 2017 at midnight.

In this assignment, I ask you to speak one or two teachers who have experience teaching in the “old” and “new” curriculum and ask them questions related to the new curriculum. Questions could include:

  • What are the greatest benefits and challenges of teaching in the new curriculum?
  • What implications are there for you, as someone entering the profession during this time of transition?
  • What questions/concerns do experienced teachers have about implementing the new curriculum?
  • What do experienced teachers want to communicate to parents about the new curriculum?

You are welcome to ask the above questions or other questions you are curious about and related to the new curriculum.


  • Summarize what you learned in approximately 150 words and post this to the course website.
  • Responses may be in French or English; I encourage you to respond in French.
  • Your responses may be in bullet point or in paragraph format.
  • Read at least 2 of your peers’ responses.

Instructions for posting your response to the course site (read instructions or watch 2 minute screencast)

  1. Login to the course website.
  2. Create a “new post” by clicking on the icon at the top “+ New”
  3. Type your response into the text box.
  4. Do not publish it yet! Before you press publish, you must go to the category area of the page (on the right hand side) and then toggle 2 boxes: “2017 Student work” and “Conversation”
  5. Press Publish
  6. As a final check, go to “All Student Work 2017” ( and check that your assignment appears in the Conversation sub-section.