another suitcase, another hall

Or, rather, another teaching term. 🙂

This terms I’ve got two sections of ETEC565A; in the end I suspect I’ll have just under 40 students in total. A nice, manageable number! I’ve made a few tweaks (with my colleague Jeff Miller) to some of the summative assignments and to how the participation mark is calculated. And have some new scenarios for the LMS evaluation rubric activity. Which will also give me a bit of a refresh, I hope!

I’m also in UBC’s Faculty SoTL* Leadership Program, which involves the peer evaluation of my teaching. Since I teach wholly online there’s not a lot of information out there upon which to rely. But it shall get done and it will be fine.

I’ve also some grants to review for CIHR in advance of a conference call later this month. Think that’ll be today’s tasks, along with some more FCP reading.


*SoTL: scholarship of teaching and learning

About John P Egan

Learning technology professional.
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