Facebook: Paying for More People to See Your Posts?

Facebook introduced a new feature in the states that allows users to pay to make their posts more prominent in the news feed. As users’ activity on Facebook grow, more and more posts are bombarding the news feed. That means your friends are less likely to notice your posts. For hose who want to make their posts more prominent, this feature is perfect for them.

To use this feature, you need to pay $7 as monthly fees. This feature is open to a selected group of people in the states and several other countries to test users’ reaction–popularity, criticism, etc.

It seems to me that pushing your news feed could be useful for promotion purposes. For example, you can announce to people that there is an ice breaker event for your school club tomorrow night. I am somewhat concern about future new feeds. Will it become all promotional posts or posts from the same few people?  If so, Facebook will defeat its mission to “give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected” as the feature limits non-paying users’ ability to share.  Honestly, I would be quite discouraged if news feed shows up promotional posts every time I check out Facebook. If all paid posts are pumped to the top while non-paid ones are pushed to the bottom, friends might miss personal updates, give less responses, and therefore discourages frequent updates.



06. October 2012 by elainewong
Categories: Uncategorized | Leave a comment

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