Category Archives: Uncategorized

How well do court recorders transcribe AAVE?

A study in Philadelphia has shown that the speech of AAVE speakers is very often mistranscribed in court. For example, “The cop partner been got transferred”, where “been” indicates an event in the distant past, was transcribed “The cop partner, … Continue reading

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Did women illuminate medieval manuscripts?

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Why do people say “had saw” instead of “had seen”?

This article takes a balanced view of this grammatical “mistake”:

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What’s the fastest growing second language in the US?

Surprisingly, it’s Telugu, a Dradivian language of southern India:

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Will “Latinx” win out as a gender-neutral term?

The term Latinx has been invented as a gender-neutral alternative for Latino and Latina. It has met with considerable controversy. If it is accepted, what will this mean for other languages with grammatical gender?

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Should “data” be treated as a singular or a plural?

While technically datum is singular and data is plural, usage seems to be changing, with data now more often treated as a singular collective noun:

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New words in the Scrabble Dictionary.

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Mistranslation in world affairs

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Gender-neutral terms for God

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Sports idioms from left field

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