Category Archives: Uncategorized

Social justice & the blaze that killed 3 in December.

Remember the deaths of three people in a low cost rooming houseĀ in VanĀ East?–deadly-blaze-raises-questions As justly pointed out in this article, the sad occurring raises important questions about social justice. Come on! Canada is one of the richest nations in … Continue reading

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Christmas Trees Can Undermine Psychological Well-Being

It’s the holiday season and for our Christian peers, it’s Christmas time. Canadian society is now full throttle in the holiday mood, which arguably means “Christmas mood”: Christmas music, Christmas trees, Christmas decorations, Christmas shopping… Holiday cheer is fabulous, I … Continue reading

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UBC Student responds to “Too Asian”

The outrage continues… UBC student Tetsuro Shigematsu challenges the concept of “Too Asian” using humour…by going to a frat house. Enjoy and giggle! Thoughts?

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Some updates on the “Too Asian?” Discourse

There have been so many conversations over the “Too Asian?” article, which we mentioned earlier. It’s been wonderful! UBC held a forum in order to talk about the sentiments expressed in the article and the blogosphere has legit exploded. So, … Continue reading

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Critical Comedy Relief: Sarah Haskins’ “Target Women”

Hilarious! Sarah Haskins takes an analytical look at commercials aimed at women. Funny feminism ensues. Take a peak at these two suggested videos and then go on a YouTubing spree where you watch every video entitled “Target Women”. Yeah, it’s … Continue reading

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UN General Assembly Removes Sexual Orientation from Protections

(Nov. 16, 2010) The United Nations General Assembly voted to remove sexual orientation from a key resolution that would help protect individuals against prejudice on these grounds. Typically, the resolution “calls on member countries to investigate extra-judicial, summary or arbitrary … Continue reading

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Introducing… the Equity Office! (A slightly long-winded post)

In an ideal world, none of us would have to worry about harassment or ask ourselves the question of what we should do when faced with harassing behaviours. Unfortunately, however, the world we live in is less than ideal, and … Continue reading

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BBC: “The boy who was raised a girl”

This brings up a lot of questions about biological sex and constructions of gender. BBC: “The boy who was raised a girl”

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We love this website: Feministing

Want to get a cardio work out without leaving your chair? This website will get your blood pulsating through your veins. Feministing brings up current events, projects, initiatives, etc… Some things are cringeworthy, some things are empowering, others make you … Continue reading

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Outrage of the Month: Maclean’s “Too Asian?” Article

And the winner is… Macleans’ article “Too Asian?”. According to Macleans, Canadian universities are becoming overpopulated by “Asian” achievement. Hmm… Everyone has been talking about this lately and it’s no wonder. This article is a wonderful spring board for good … Continue reading

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I am Campaign

Equity Ambassador’s I AM campaign Continue reading

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From our Archives: The Body Project 2007

UBC Equity Ambassadors: Body Project

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