Luke Dawson: soup swapper

A month ago, you read about Soup Club’s inaugural soup swap.  Well, it was that time again last week.

To be honest, I was not entirely up for doing the swap again. I was ready to drop Soup Club and move on with my life. But, I put it out to the rest of the club and there was resounding support to give it another go.

So, I put on my big girl pants and got ready for another day of soup making. I know you’re probably thinking how hard is it to make soup? Well it’s not, unless you choose a recipe that requires a lot of chopping and you don’t own a food process/vegetable chopper-upper type thing like me.

This time, I chose to make a roasted yam corn chowder.  The problem with this recipe is that it says that it makes 8 servings.  Well, what does that mean? Does it mean 8 cups? Maybe…so, I decided to multiply the recipe by 6 to ensure enough soup for everyone. The last thing I wanted to do was make another batch the next day.

Nadine Alvarado Hensley and Joanna Ludlow, the soup-lid-tightness testing department

This meant that I chopped 9 cups of finely diced celery, 12 yams, 6 cups of red onion, etc.,etc. I guess a serving is more than a cup because I ended up with 11 litres of this soup. And to be really honest, it is not my favourite soup. But after hours (literally) of chopping, I didn’t really care how good the soup tasted.

Once at work, the energy around soup club picked up. People kept asking “When? When can we do the swap?”

When we got together, I was reminded how much fun this is. It is great to see all the different types, colours, and textures in the glass jars.  We stood around admiring everyone’s hard work, proud of ourselves and each other.  All in all, another soup-er time.

Fran Hannabuss and a fancy bowl

Soup clubbers…feel free to share your experience with everyone in the comments section.  For the rest of you, I am always looking for good soup recipes; feel free to share yours in the comments section.

  • Broccoli and White Bean- Fran Hannabuss
  • Smoky Corn Chowder–  Darran Fernandez
  • Cauliflower Garlic – Joanna Ludlow
  • Mushroom Leek and Onion– Nadine Alvarado-Hensley
  • Zucchini Garlic– Luke Dawson
  • Roasted Yam Corn Chowder-Me
  • Cauliflower Garlic- Natalie Hargott