DSC00062Not sure if anyone has noticed, but at UBCO’s Student Services & Financial Support, lots of change in personnel has happened in the past month. Two of our staff members have moved on to exciting new opportunities in other areas on campus.

Firstly, Terry Downs, Manager of SS&FS has moved to Campus Operations & Risk Management as their new Associate Director.

Secondly, Jennifer Eberle, Awards Analyst has moved to Engineering as their new Co-op Coordinator.

With the loss of two individuals within this department, we were in desperate need for help! Luckily, with the arrangement from management, Student Services & Financial Support will be getting some temporary assistance from Eleni Korres. Eleni is currently one of the ESPs that works at UBC Vancouver. As a temporary measure, she will be working at our office on Wednesday and Thursday for the next 6 weeks or so. Some of the projects that she’ll be working on include recommended awards, bursary adjudication, budget allocation, award appeals, and award management as needed.

So UBCO staff who work in the UNC building, in case you suddenly see a new face who walks into UNC 215 you’ll know who she is now!