Who:  Alice Wang
Unit:  Undergraduate Admissions on the Vancouver Campus
Position:  Admissions Coordinator
Since:  February 2014
Job Specifics:  Rest of Canadian high schools (ROCS) team member.  Document interpreting, updating, evaluating and acknowledging.  Communications, research and administration.

Meet Alice

Alice Wang was born in Taipei.  At the age of seven, Alice, her sister and her parents moved to Canada.  After high school, Alice attended UBC and graduated in 2012 with a degree in Sociology and International Relations.  She then moved back to Taipei where she enjoyed working as an art exhibit host for Lisbeth Zwerger, an Australian illustrator of children’s books.

Between organizing and attending press conferences and interviews, Alice traveled to Singapore, China and Hong Kong.  She enjoyed her time working, living and traveling abroad but a year later she found herself missing home.  She came back to Vancouver in 2013 and has since joined the Undergraduate Admissions team. 

Alice’s Top Three

Travel:  Alice loves to explore new places.  She has been to many parts of the United States and has traveled extensively through Asia as well.  She enjoys staying in one place for extended periods of time to truly capture the essence of the respective culture.  Her next stop: Portugal!

Musicals:  From Phantom of the Opera to Mary Poppins, Alice has seen a number of musicals.  Albeit an expensive hobby, Alice loves to be whisked away from the daily life to theatrical performances in fantastical places.

Quality Time:  “People get so busy, it’s difficult to see one another”, Alice remarks.  But in her spare time, Alice makes the extra effort to see those who matter to her.  If she’s not at work, Alice can be found with family, friends and her playful pooch and pride and joy, Toby, her three year old poodle-shih tzu.