Written by Carla Hodal
As many of you know, the Vancouver Undergraduate Admissions office has been undergoing a number of changes. Most importantly, we’ve officially welcomed our new team members who will be working hard in no time as they join us at our busiest time of year. The Reveal

Katherine & Shabano

To accommodate to the 11 new staff members our office workspaces have been transforming and we are pleased to announce the ‘almost brand new’ coordinator workspace! New furniture has arrived and has drastically changed the look of the space. The open concept room has significantly opened up, bringing bright natural light and lots of space (for gathering around our goodie table) . With a few more adjustments we hope to have everything organized and ready by the end of December, just in time for the arrival of a new year and the highly anticipated new carpets!

Please stop by to see the new workstations and say hello to your colleagues in Admissions!

new staff
Jessica, Kelly and Nicola

Marcy and Kevin