Ahh… the paradox of June. I had once heard rumours in the wilderness of Vancouver that the month of June was supposed to bring with it the longest day of the year! That this astronomical event would herald the beginning of summer. Long days on the beach and longer nights on a nice patio. However, the rainclouds and cool winds bring with them a little grumpiness and sass. That being so it only felt natural to interview another Enrolment Services pet that embodies those two attitudes quite well.

Name: Pippy
Age:  9
Breed:  Shitzu-cross
Human: Jennifer Kerr (Student Services – Okanagan)

The interview with Pippy began with me enjoying my early morning coffee and an hour-and-a-half wait for when Pippy decided to finally show up.

Anthony: Pippy, first I would like to thank you for agreeing to this interview session, even though you were quite late. Let’s just start things off on the right paw and blame the weather. Speaking of, what do you think—

Pippy: Snow. It’s absolutely HORRID.  As far as I am concerned, anything white and falling from the skies, signifies the coming of the END times and should be taken as a sign to remain in bed.

Anthony: That’s… uhh… quite the reaction. But I feel you there. I guess there is a reason the lot of us like to live in Vancouver/the Okanagan, right? Ha. Ha. Ha. Even if the weather is being uncooperative like it’s been lately, or during the winter months what do you like to do to make the most of a bad situation?

Pippy: Pay attention and see previous answer.

It was at this point that I think Pippy forgot, or failed to recognize, that we were in the middle of an interview. She proceeded to explore around my office and make a few phone calls. It was only after a particular loud, and harmful, series of throat clears that things got back on track.

Anthony: That’s enough small talk about the weather. I feel like we’re ready to address some of the personal stories coming out in the news lately about your life.  You’ve been called “a small dog in a big (dog’s) world” how do you feel about that statement?

Pippy: I feel that whoever or whatever you may be, there will always be those who assume your potential is based on your physical appearance. Obviously, I am underestimated on a daily basis.

Anthony:  Hmm… on a related topic, some people have brought up reports that you’ll do anything for attention, how do you respond to these claims?

Pippy: I think everyone is mean to the pretty, popular girl.

This is when Pippy attempted to do a hairflip and put on a pair of sunglasses. However, her attempt was met with a low level of success because, of course, she is a dog

Anthony: How about career aspirations? What has a dog like you always wanted to do as part of a “dream job”?

Pippy:  Well, I used to be a BARK Therapy dog. But there were too many rules and the other dogs wouldn’t listen to my constructive feedback. So, despite what you may have heard, we had a MUTUAL parting of the ways. It’s all for the best though. My dream job you ask?  – sitting on the couch in the UBC Okanagan UNC and giving my sweet, sweet love to all those who pass by.

Anthony: I think they have rules against that but as long as all the parties are consenting I guess it’s a nice dream. The world could always use more love, after all. If it’s not achieving your goal of having your “dream job” what would you say you’re greatest accomplishment is?

Pippy: Eating an entire pizza, save one piece which I tucked under my dog bed for second dinner. You should have seen the size of it too! I may be petite, but I am wicked motivated when it comes to carbs.

Anthony: Aren’t we all. Sigh.

Hiding food around the house for later? Sounds like you have a bit of a mysterious     side. What do you like to do when you’ve got the house all to yourself and there are no humans lurking around?

Pippy:  Pass. I find that question rather invasive.

Anthony: Hmmmm…

Okay then. cough. What’s the best trick you’ve ever played on your human?

Pippy:      Ooooh! I’ve got a good one for this question! I pretended I had completed the birthing process then shot out a surprise 5th kid behind the couch when no one was looking. Hahahaha. It was hysterical! You should have seen the looks on their faces!

Anthony:  Well, there doesn’t look to be any reason we can’t get this conversation going   somewhere political seeing as we’ve already covered some rather unorthodox material. How do you, Pippy, feel about the long standing rivalry between cats and dogs?

Pippy:    What rivalry? There is no rivalry where there are no equals.

The interview abruptly ended at the moment that Pippy hopped off the  couch and simply wandered off. Her personality and demeanor managed to match the cool and slightly off-putting weather perfectly. Whether this was a coincidence or done on purpose I still do not know.

If you have a pet who would like to be interviewed or featured in an upcoming newsletter, let me know in the comments below, or email me at anthony.grzegorzewski@ubc.ca.