New Staff Spotlight: Andy Chipperfield

Who: Andy Chipperfield
Unit: Student Communications Services
Position: UX/Web Designer
Since: May 2016


Professional Background:

Andy began working with the web in 1997, hand-coding sites on his Windows 386 PC. In 2007 he started his own company specialising in User Interface & User Experience Design, and worked with companies such as Spotify, IGN, Toyota and Ford as well as universities in the UK. In the last few years he’s worked with start-ups and non-profits mainly based out of New York such as,, GenyMobile and GIGoFund.

Personal Background:

Originally from the UK, Andy moved to Vancouver with his wife, 2 children and dog on his 4th visit to the city. In his spare time, he loves playing soccer, hiking, running, wood-burning, bourbon and craft beer (not all at the same time).

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