Okanagan Summer Fest 3

Free food, drinks and desserts from local Kelowna food truck vendors…and a great outdoor movie…can anyone’s night get any better than that?!?

Thanks to the effort by the UBCO Alumni & Community Relations Office, that Friday night of food and fun was definitely a success.

As a UBC Vancouver alumni, I’m so grateful to be able to continue to have the alumni experience even while I’m here in the Okanagan.

Both my husband and I were UBC Vancouver alumni and we appreciate the continuous connection we have with the University through various alumni events.

Before the end of the night, I bumped into Erin Shannon (Manager, Enrollment Services) at the event. I got the opportunity to chat with her and found out that she too was a UBC Vancouver alumni! What a small world eh?

Can’t wait for the next UBC Alumni event!

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