On your own, watch the videos and take the short quiz at the end of each video. When everyone in your group is finished watching the videos and taking the quizzes, discuss the following points and add these notes to your group doc.
Video 1
(click the picture to view the video)
1. In your opinion, were the six colonies united or divided?
2. Who were some of the important people in Canada leading up to the time of confederation? What did they do?
3. What role did the United States play in the problems the six colonies were facing?
Video 2
(click the picture to view the video)
1. What was one of the main results of the Charlottetown Conference?
2. What was one of the main results of the Quebec Conference?
3. What was one of the main results of the London Conference?
4. What were the 72 Resolutions?
Google Docs:
Canada West Canada East Nova Scotia
New Brunswick Newfoundland Prince Edward Island
Vocabulary Centre
You can look at this before or after you watch the video to help with you some words that may be new. If you find a word not on this list remember to add it to your running vocabulary lists in your personal vocabulary notebook.
You can use Aurasma app to make your vocabulary list come alive. For each word you can take a picture of the word and then attach a small video describing the word for you.
Vocabulary Video 1: Deceit, Felony, Betrayal, alliances, treason, confederation, dominion, strife, coalition, extreme, susceptible, invasion, one entity, worked past, capture, Moses, disgrace, hostility, emigrate, typhus, revolutionary,
Vocabulary Video 2: Dominion, delegation, cease, union, Cartier, coalition, sectional, tolerate, Motives, persuasion, resist, isolated, abandon, despair, clause, resolutions, federation, legislature, federal, Dominion, confederation, constitution, local government, legalistic, deliberate, revolutionary, division of power, representation by population, federal government, provincial government, conference, act, conservative, endangering, penitentiaries, asylums, taverns
Basic training will be provided in the library session. If you still need help, please watch the video in “How to” section or contact your Instructor. You can also use other apps such as optical reader or Google Translator to translate the word in your language or in simple English. Make sure to ask your classmates if you are in class. If you are at home, write a question in the comment area.
Extra Resources
Here is a PowerPoint that helps to highlight some of the main ideas: The Road to Confederation