Step 3: Connect to your own story

Your Story

Step 1: Go to each site and learn about Modern Immigrants.

Everyday people from around the world are still making the choice, or being forced into the choice, to have to immigrate to a new country.  Take some time to explore two resources that will give you an idea of some of the reasons why people today are immigrating to Canada.  While you are listening and reading about their stories be thinking again about any similarities and differences between their story and yours.

Immigrants in Canada Today

Immigrant Stories: Digital Story Telling Examples

Step 2: Thinking and collecting the main facts of your story

You may not realize how much you have in common with the people we have studied so far in this activity, as well as what makes your story truly unique.  To get you started in thinking about your story, take this survey that will help highlight some of the basic information of your story like where did you move from? Are you the first person to immigrate to Canada or was it a parent or grandparent?   Once everyone has completed the survey we will have a pie chart of information for our class. This will be used to contrast and compare immigration today and immigration in the 1880’s in Canada.


(Click on photo)


Step 3: Connecting the dots and adding detail

Now that you have the main facts of your or your family’s story plotted out it is time to add the detail that will help your story come alive. Think back to all the stories you have read and heard of both historical immigration and modern day immigration. The stories come alive when the author adds in feelings of excitement and frustration, when they help the audience understand how hard some things it might have been but also how wonderful other parts of the journey were.  Use your Popplet tool to make a story web and fill out the detail.

Example of popplet story web

Once you have your popplet done, sign up for a conference time with your teacher to review your story and make a plan for the final part of this activity.

Continue on to Step 4: Stories Come to Life

If you have questions on this activity you would like to ask your peers or have an answer to a question, post in the space below.


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