Documentary: Reel Injun (2011)

I recently watched an incredible documentary by Cree film maker Neil Diamond, called Reel Injun. The documentary includes extensive footage from Hollywood films depicting Aboriginal people over the past 100 years. There is excellent commentary from Native and Non-native: actors, elders, producers, and activists all discussion how the impact of the Hollywood depiction of the “Injun” has influenced how the world views Aboriginal peoples. The cinematography is often stunning and commentary is very enlightening. I highly recommend it! It was the most educational 88 minutes I have spent in a long time!

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About smyers

Hi Everyone, I am a high school alternate school teacher living in Vancouver, BC. I have been teaching for 15 years, though I am not sure where all that time has gone. I love working with teenagers, and am grateful that I have the opportunity to share my love of learning with young people every day. It's a pretty sweet gig!

1 thought on “Documentary: Reel Injun (2011)

  1. Doug Connery

    Great find, thanks for posting the link! I clicked on it between the first two periods of of the first Vancouver/Boston Hockey game and never made it back to to watch the game. In the afterglow after watching this documentary it made me think that the hockey game really did not matter anyway.

    Thanks Stephanie.



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