The Reciprocal Research Network (RRN) is an online catalog which was developed by the Museum of Anthropology at UBC (MOA), in collaboration with Musqueam Indian Band, the Stó:lō Nation/Tribal Council, and the U’mista Cultural Society. It provides fascinating images of 245,255 objects (including MOA’s 38,000 items).
This online museum catalog seems to embody indigenous ways of knowing and archiving to some extent, given the introductory demo video. According to the video statement, the catalog is reciprocal, creative, collaborative, respectful, and accessible. The users, once log in, can browse and archive the web-displayed items and make comments on them.
RRN is a good example of how indigenous communities and the mainstream research institution can collaboratively develop the technological design which can benefit both indigenous and non-indigenous communities.
Ky (#2: Module 2).
Thanks for the mention Ky. At the time of this writing, even without an account, you have access to over 105,000 items from 9 institutions worldwide.