Tag Archives: Indigenous Peoples

How Hollywood Stereotyped the Native Americans

Related Videos of Stereotyping Indigenous People


This website is a great resource for Module 2’s theme of Stereotypes of Indigenous Peoples. It has great videos about many different aspects of Indigenous peoples and their cultures including many of the different stereotypes that Hollywood has presented and supported of Indigenous peoples. The Youtube video is embedded on the page and links to similar films with similar themes are listed below with a description of the video and the video on the left. The site is user-friendly and easy to navigate. This site will be an excellent resource for my research on Elders and Technology as the Hollywood representation of Indigenous peoples can’t be ignored.


The video How Hollywood Stereotyped the Native Americans includes interviews of Indigenous people (some actors) and their thoughts on Hollywood’s representation of their culture and people. They indicated that growing up with these images on film of their people, they never saw their own image in their reality, instead, they saw the fantasized Hollywood version of how their lives and cultures were and should be. It discusses the ‘white audience’ and how they have influenced the content of Native American films. The portrayal fo the white-man was unrealistically positive, always coming out ahead and better than his Indian foe. They confuse the Native American and Euro-American phenomenon and try to perpetuate the image of the savage Native American and white, Western mainstream Again, this correlates well with Module 2’s Prins (2002) reading and his description of the duality of the “paradox of primitivism”. I love the final quote in the film from a Native American: “A Nation that does not know its history has no future!” That’s a very powerful statement and one Western mainstream should acknowledge.

Aboriginal Elders Online

Aboriginal Elders Online – Unique challenges facing Aboriginal Elders

This is one of my favourite finds so far!  This site ties in well with my topic of Elders and Technology.  It is well designed, aesthetically pleasing, user-friendly, easy to navigate and organized into challenges & benefits of technology, social media and elders, tips, references and credits and contact information.  This site does a great job of addressing challenges Aboriginal people encounter with technology as well as unique challenges Aboriginal Elders face and challenges facing seniors in general (as comparison) and will be a great reference for my future work and anyone else, including Indigenous Peoples, that would like to learn more about Indigenous Peoples, their culture, traditions and technology.  I really liked how this site cleverly includes strategies to encourage Elders to explore and experiment with computers and other technology tools (hand-held devices).  Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Skype are social media sites are described as great motivators to encourage internet use by Elders.  This site also describes challenges that caregivers to Elders and seniors are faced and to accommodate for these challenges, tutorial videos and links to relevant sites and other examples of Elder technology use are included to help ease the anxieties.  The site provides advice for Elders on the Tips page: challenges and benefits, approach with caution, get educated and take advantage of accessibility technology.