Whooo’s Reading: using AI to develop K12 reading comprehension and writing skills
While Whooo’s Reading’s elevator pitch video is not brand new – it is from 2018, I thought it was quite interesting to share. This elevator pitch video is for a venture that claims to promote a higher-level thinking alternative to multiple choice questions. The video also claims that Whooo’s Reading enables teachers to track independent […]
Seth’s Introduction
Hi Everyone! I am a little late adding my first post, but better late than never. My name is Seth Armitage and I am now in my second class of the MET program. Before the fall semester it had been awhile since I had been in any sort of class setting, having graduated from Utah […]
Algorithms and what you WILL learn next
Algorithms have been around for a long time, and while they have not yet been used widely used for the sole purposes of education, the trends surrounding inquiry based education could learn to new innovations of the technology. The three factors of a successful algorithm are:– Personalization– Performance– External factors If we look closely at […]
TikTok for #Learning
I felt your skepticism when you clicked on this post… TikTok is one of the top used social media apps, and there is a learning community that shouldn’t be dismissed. Even if one decides to not integrate TikTok into their learning environment, it is important to understand how the learning environment is being impacted by […]
A Paradigm Shift: Will AI take over future jobs and how to prepare students & graduates for 2030
https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2021/10/27/how-to-prepare-students-for-the-jobs-of-2030/?sh=4c66e7914ad3 I’m sure we’ve all seen science fiction movies where Artificial Intelligence has developed into such an advanced state that it overtakes the human race (cue Skynet) While the situation portrayed in films are fictional and exaggerated, reality might not be too far off as many industries now use AI as part of their work/operational […]
Microsoft and the class of 2030
Microsoft and Google are the dual faces of education in my school district; each student gets free accounts for either ecosystem, and a variety of educational apps are made freely available for educators and students to explore and express their learning. After reviewing Jackson’s post on Google for Education and emerging trends in the classroom […]
Markets and Markets: Overview of New Tech in the Marketplace
Do you need a quick overview of a new technology, how it is being used, or why it is growing in popularity? Markets and Markets is a good place to start. Although the extensive reports are far too expensive for any individual to purchase, if you search education, or any technology that interests you, the […]
eLearning Industry
eLearning Industry presents a plethora of articles, educational technologies, training events/conferences and even jobs! It also provides opportunities to author your own eLearning article(s). This website provides summaries of recent events in educational technology/training, findings and trends in STEM education. It lists widely-used educational technologies and online learning platforms. It also speaks to market projections […]
Project Management Institute – Megatrends
As a Project Manager, I find PMI’s (Project Management Institute) megatrends analysis, a tool that provides actionable insights on the upcoming major changes that could impact projects. The 2021 report particularly dives deeper to understand the disruptive nature of the pandemic and how it has impacted education, work, and our day-to-day lives as program managers. […]