A1: Can information architecture be used for elearning?
ETEC 522 features regenerative curriculum which allows students to self select and author curriculum which builds upon the work of previous cohorts. In the spirit of regenerative curriculum, I decided to explore previous posts from past students to see if I can develop an existing product to explore for our first assignment. I found Emma […]
Analyst Report – Classcraft
Hi folks! I decided to complete the Analyst Report using a gamification education technology that has an emphasis on behaviour management. It is designed for K-12 education, but I believe it to be particularly useful for K-7 teachers. Check it out here: https://sites.google.com/view/analystreportclasscraft?usp=sharing
SimX VALOR Program
Good day ETEC 522 classmates, Below is my link for A1, which is completed on the company SimX for their military simulators. I am focusing specifically on the VALOR military medical projects. Thank you for viewing my assignment
A1 Analyst Report – MagicSchool.ai
Hello, ETEC 522 Classmates and other venture analysts out there! For my A1 Assignment on creating an Analyst Report for an Educational Venture Analyst at a school in the K-12 range (particularly Primary/Elementary as I am in), I chose this very new and emerging market of artificial intelligence that is rapidly growing and within it, […]
Analyst Report – Verso Learning
Hello Colleagues, What is Verso? It is several things in one, but its primary aim is to capture the zeitgeist around student-centred learning. Have a look at my analyst report to find out more.
Analyst Report – Adaptive Reading Technologies
Are adaptive reading technologies ready to challenge Canada’s recent decline in reading scores (locally and nationwide). Is the market ready for something new? Can ministries, school boards, or schools justify investing in this technology ? What is actually ready and available? Learn more here! Password – “learn”
A1 – Analysis Report: Genially
Hello everyone, I hope that you find my analyst report on Genially useful and informative. Looking forward to exploring all of the wonderful platforms posted by everyone. Thank you!
A1 – Learning Management Systems
A modern addition to the management of education, learning management systems (LMS) are designed to simplify the administration side of teaching and learning. This can include handling student rosters, course materials, assignments and grades, and other support functions. With the increasing use of digital tools in schools, online teaching and self-directed elearning modules, use of […]
Analyst Report Competitive Analysis of D2L Brightspace
Competitive Analysis of D2L Brightspace: An Opportunity Audit for Educational Venture Investment
A1 Analyst Report – Akili
Hello fellow 522 analysts. I chose to do my A1 report on a company called Akili. Their product uses an interesting concept employing video game technology as a cognitive therapeutic for ADHD. Please find my report in the following link: A1 Analyst Report – Akili Rich Payne