A3: VR Construct Academy
Elevator Pitch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohJQ8wt8XbI&ab_channel=JohannesWielenga Venture Pitch: https://sites.google.com/view/vrconstructacademy
Analysist Report: VR Education Holdings
This is a company that is of much interest to me, thanks to their ENGAGE VR IP, as well as their interest in making educational VR games. I envision incredible learning experiences to continue to pour out from this company, especially with their recent investment deal with HTC and their proven track record to constantly […]
Week 5: Immersive Experiences
Imagine being transported into an entirely new world, or see the world you know being transformed in fantastical ways: that is what immersive experiences can deliver. Traditional classroom learning can be restrictive and boring, but VR, AR, and MR can offer transformative learning experiences that are novel, interactive, and exciting. There is nothing quite like […]
Lisa Castaneda – foundry10
Venture Company: foundry10 is a force of disruption in the educational technology space because it has always eschewed the traditional in favour of fresh innovation. Their original value proposition was to utilize research, collaboration, and philanthropy in the realm of gaming and education in order provide more opportunities and value for youth today. In the […]
Shawn Young – Classcraft
Originally by shuebrook on January 29, 2020 Founder: Shawn Young, Founder and CEO Venture: Classcraft Studios Inc (Sherbrooke, PQ) Classcraft is an Engagement Management System for schools, making it easy for schools to inject gamification into many aspects of learning. Classcraft is based on research in Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). PBIS is an evidence-based three-tiered framework to […]
Excited for this Venture!
Hello all, my name is Johannes Wielenga and I am in my 5th and 6th MET courses this semester. I have taught for the past 6 years in Secondary education; I teach Social Studies and English Language Arts to grades 7-12. Before becoming a teacher I worked for Telus and then for their competitor, Shaw, […]