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A3-Balance Distance in the Digital Space

A3-Balance Distance in the Digital Space

We are living in a post pandemic era which will be the norm for most and important component in the professional development strategy for many colleges and universities moving forward. I have looked at current apps and future trends and platforms that are on the right track to encompassing learning online as a whole. All […]

A3 – Wireless Brain-Sensing Technology

A3 – Wireless Brain-Sensing Technology

Please take a look at my A3 Forecasting Project which is a website about wireless brain-sensing technology. When we think about using our minds to control devices, this is our first step towards achieving this goal. The focus of my project was directed towards how this type of technology would be beneficial to people with […]

A3 – Reimagining K-12 Education in Ontario Francophone School Boards Post Pandemic

A3 – Reimagining K-12 Education in Ontario Francophone School Boards Post Pandemic

So many things have changed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Education is no exception. I believe that Teachers, students, parents, schools, school boards and the government has learned a lot from the pas few months and it will change how we educate and teach. Technology and mobility has been experienced by our students and teachers […]

A3- Mobile Trends in Corporate Training and Development

Hi all. For my A3 I put together a short OER on the topic of current trends in corporate training and development. I thought this was an important subject to cover because there’s a whole world of learning outside of the traditional secondary and post secondary learning environments. I consider myself an educator although I’m […]

Transforming my practice to teaching while students have their smartphones in their hands

Transforming my practice to teaching while students have their smartphones in their hands

My goal here is to show at a high level some aspects of a vision for a transformation of my teaching practice and my future classroom. This is a designed future where I envision students with greater autonomy and agency who are able to benefit from personalized education in a smart classroom. Given my belief […]

A3 – AR/VR Wearables in Trades Training

Hello everyone! Inspired by my A2 on AR, I decided to look into using AR/VR wearables in education with a focus on how they can transform trades worker training. I work at a utility company, and I see tremendous opportunity for implementing wearable devices to improve training for trades workers on-the-job. The benefits of using […]



The once brick cellphone has now evolved into a smart device that can take photos, edit documents, and even do some AR (with the appropriate apps). I enjoy watching DIY cooking videos and always wanted to taste and smell the great dishes that I see YouTubers prepare. This got me interested in digital scent and […]

Get Moving.

Get Moving.

Inspired by the A2 assignments on augmented reality and embracing the movement of 5G – I have created a page that Explores the features of physical literacy Reviews augmented reality and 5G capabilities Looks at research involved in creating and using games that enable physical movements Created a pitch for a new game that stems […]

A3 – The future of AI Writing is coming to your students’ mobile devices

A3 – The future of AI Writing is coming to your students’ mobile devices

Prior to beginning this research I had heard of AI writing news articles in specific test cases but I had no idea how advanced it has become. Just days ago I was grading environmental issue papers submitted by students. I was curious how well some websites which claimed to be able to write essays would […]