The 5G Revolution
We invite you to jump onboard a learning and collaborating journey to the 5G Revolution. Our open educational resource begins with an overview of what 5G is. The focus then narrows to 5G and the 4th Industrial Revolution, how 5G will affect industries and individuals, how the digital divide has the potential to widen, and […]
DIY in the Chemistry Lab
I wanted to share with all of you some experiences I’ve had being involved in a project last year that saw students DIY their own spectrometers for a Chemistry laboratory session. The story starts further back than that though with my judging of regional and national science competitions in South Africa. I really enjoy interacting […]
Mobile and Tech during COVID
I recently received a quarterly communication from the firm I invest my finances with, and this iteration had two very interesting articles relating directly to the growth of mobile telecommunications networks and tech stocks amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Where most industries experienced severe knocks, these two seem to be rapidly growing despite the global economic […]
DIY Mindset Reshaping Education
I found this article quite pertinent to this week’s topic as it discusses the rise of DIY learning in several countries (especially developing and emerging ones) and the reasons behind its gain in popularity. It was interesting to read about the survey that was conducted in 11 different countries. The reasons that were put forward […]
Defining “Education”
So, this is the last course of my MET program. Over the last few years, but particularly in this course about mobile and open learning, I have begun to wonder what we mean by the term “education”. With massive mobile and open movements towards life-long learning, DIY learning, edutainment etc – does the term education […]
A2 – DIY Learning
By: Adriana Silvestre, Adrian Granchelli, Meipsy Shackleford, Jane Wu, Jungwhan Cho Welcome to our ‘mobile’ first open education resource on Do-It-Yourself Learning: . This is an informational website that will answer some of the following questions: What is DIY? Why is it important? How can you DIY? Our OER, is truly OURS because the interactivities […]
Smartphones, intelligent agents, and mobile learning: nudging the student to make better choices
Education gaze traditionally foregrounds student agency and pedagogical approaches to smartphone distraction in the classroom try to reclaim an illusory independent human agency. Therefore, more stimulating and engaging pedagogy alone is not the answer to smartphone distraction when students already have their smartphones in their hands. My answer is stimulating and engaging pedagogy plus nudges; […]
Discussing The Need For Mobile Serious Games In Africa
Since this week’s theme is mobile games, I decided to do some mining for articles about educational mobile games. Through my research, I found a couple of relevant articles but I picked the one mentioned above as it is close to home. I read the article and agreed with most of it. While I understand […]
A2 ~ Ed-Apped
For our OER project Jamie, Lindsay, Megan, Pascaline, and myself were tasked with investigating mobile educational gaming. So we give you Ed-Apped !! We started off with the idea of creating something akin to Yelp, but for mobile educational gaming, rather than restaurants and bars. But as we worked our way through the process, it […]
A1: #creatednotcopied; An Examination of User Creative Behaviour on Tik Tok
Sorry to be late to the party everyone! For my assignment, I decided to tackle my irritation with Tik Tok. As a Drama teacher, I have always been irritated by trends that encourage my students to use contrived ideas and movement rather than creating their own. This irritation started at a young age when I […]