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Questions from our Zoom Chat on Mobile Collaboration

Questions from our Zoom Chat on Mobile Collaboration

In our weekly Zoom chat, we had an interesting discussion on mobile collaboration, while mobile collaborating. We discussed getting overwhelmed by the number of different apps and spaces to collaborate. We questioned if there could be a platform that could consolidate all chats and messages to one organized place. What do you think? Is this […]

Contact Tracing – Apple and Google partner and release bluetooth API

I saw a meme from a FB friend, who frequently posts questionable conspiracy theorist memes, about the newest iOs and Android updates including contact tracing, so I decided to research and fact check. Turns out, Apple and Google came together to push bluetooth notification technology – rebranded from contact tracing to exposure notification – into […]

A1- Micro Learning and Mobile Assessments

Hi everyone. For my A1, I put together a WIX page on the topic of Micro Learning and Mobile Assessments. I think this is a feature of mobile learning that we will see grow quite a bit in the future, particularly now that folks are working and learning from home more than ever. I’d love […]


Hi Everyone, I have been thinking about BYOD in schools. I think it is only a matter of time before BYOD policies are implemented in schools but there are significant concerns. I am not opposed to BYOD – I think there are great benefits but I do think that some of these concerns must be […]

A1: YouTube

Hello! I did my A1 assignment on YouTube. YouTube is far from a new technology, but as classrooms are moving to the online space due to the current pandemic, educators are looking for ways to offer students variety in the online classroom and are utilizing YouTube more than ever. I thought it might be helpful […]

A1 – Cellphones in the Classroom : A learning tool or a distraction?

A1 – Cellphones in the Classroom : A learning tool or a distraction?

I had a lot of fun producing this videocast for my A1 assignement. I decided to discuss the topic of cellphones in schools. I hope you enjoy! Feel free to leave me a comment here, or on my Youtube channel. Here are the references for my analysis. You can also see them at the end […]

A1 – Location-Based AR and Indigenous Applications

Hi Everyone, This is the first podcast I have done and first time using SoundCloud. Hope you enjoy 🙂 Resources: CBC Radio (2017, March 10). Tech entrepreneur Adrian Duke is building an augmented reality app to tell Indigenous stories. CBC. Retrieved from Harley, J. M., Lajoie, S. P., Tressel, T., & Jarrell, A. (2018). […]


I’ve been using for a while now — both as a reader and a writer. For A1, I thought it would be fun to assess the platform in terms of what value it might hold as a mobile and learning tool. Please feel free to visit and let me know what you think! […]

A1: Indoor Positioning Analytics

For Assignment 1, I chose to look at a tech company called Inpixon and its Indoor Positioning Analytics platform. This interested me for two reasons: I work in New Westminster and we are on the brink of moving into a brand new facility. The building is a modern education learning environment, and I have been […]