2 responses to “A1: MoodleBox”

  1. meagan kelm

    Thanks for your presentation on moodle boxes, I will admit although I have heard raspberry pi I don’t think i fully understood what it was and thus the potential. Through you presentation I understand a little more and when thinking about potential uses I was thinking that maybe a secure testing space may be something that could work. Could it ensure that all devices are connected to a closed network, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access or internet disruptions during testing sessions.

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. andrew dunn

      That sounds like a pretty sensible use case. One instance where something like MoodleBox would have been useful in my professional life: We run some courses at VCC that require students to share often difficult stories of personal experience. Using the LMS for these interactions is not really possible, as the danger of their privacy being breached is too high. A MoodleBox would be one way to connect people for these kids of discussion without worrying about sharing personal info in a wider network.

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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