A3 – The Future of Education with AI and Indoor Positioning Analytics

A3 – The Future of Education with AI and Indoor Positioning Analytics

Greg Patton and I worked together on our A3 to forecast an app for our school (New Westminster Secondary School) that utilizes the power of Artificial Intelligence and Indoor Positioning Analytics. As we are at the cusp of moving into a new, modern, 21st century building, this app prototype is timely to highlight the potential […]

A1 – A Glimpse into AI in Mobile Education

A1 – A Glimpse into AI in Mobile Education

Here is a brief overview of current AI used in mobile education, as well as its benefits and limitations. All feedback is welcome! https://binalk0.wixsite.com/etec523

Fake News and Media Literacy

Fake News and Media Literacy

By Amanda Iadeluca on June 8, 2018 In February, I attended the Reading for the Love of It Conference in Toronto. One of the workshops that caught my eye was about Fake News and was presented by Joyce Grant, a freelance journalist, children’s author and one of the creators of the website http://teachingkidsnews.com/. The objective of the website is to help […]

Online DIY Communities as Teachers

Online DIY Communities as Teachers

By michael hengeveld on June 8, 2018 For mobile technology, I wanted to put a plug here for the rise of the online DIY community and its growing role in education.  In the last month of school, all the students in our STEM program do passion projects–it is glorious mayhem.  Because they are all doing different things, […]

Smart Sensors

Smart Sensors

By benson chang on January 28, 2019 In many ways, we the users of mobile phones have wasted the potential of the smartphones that have become more important to us than any other possession.  Many people spend hundreds of dollars on their phones to use it for nothing more than a few basic apps, messaging, YouTube videos, […]

Virtual Tours & Live Cams

Virtual Tours & Live Cams

Even though exploring the Louvre or the MoMA on a screen is not quite the same as walking through their beautiful galleries; and observing giraffes and elephants on a webcam is not even close to the experience of going on a safari, they provide an option to experience these vicariously. Virtual tours have gained popularity […]

Long Distance Relationships, Sharing, Community

Long Distance Relationships, Sharing, Community

By Mary on January 22, 2017 The Benefits of “Long Distance Relationships” — How our sense of  ‘Community’ has broadened. How we are home to each other on our virtual front porches, now that we are not often home to each other on our real front porches…. Jooay — Connecting children and youth with disabilities to […]

Geotagging Photos

Geotagging Photos

By Dan on January 24, 2016 Most people are completely unaware that their phone embeds location data in every photo they take. It’s called geotagging and it’s such a big part of mobile photography that you can’t use many camera apps on an iPhone without enabling location data (see http://www.igeeksblog.com/disable-geotagging-for-photos-on-iphone-ipad/ ). While geotagging photos has some great benefits like […]

PhET by the University of Colorado

PhET by the University of Colorado

I use PhET a fair bit with my classes, and have been assigning some simulations for “homework” now that I cannot do in-class lab experiments with them at this time. For the last year or so, they have been converting their Java based applets to HTML 5 versions so that the sims can be used […]

A3 – Micro:bits

A3 – Micro:bits

By Nathan Bristow on March 24, 2019 For my Assignment 3, I’ve been examining the role of microprocessor platforms and their role in education: specifically the micro:bit created by the BBC and currently in distribution in the NWT.